A Hole in the Sky – Skywatch #2

After about a week of very overcast, cloudy skies, the clouds finally broke up, and the sun came out. It was a welcome relief. Don’t mistake me. I generally like whatever nature sends me (except for tornadoes and ice storms) but it is nice to see blue sky every now and then. I selected this one because of the hole configuration.

Since I’ve found out about Skywatch Friday I’ve been looking at the sky a lot more frequently. Lots to see up there if you just look.

To see more photographs of the sky, check the SkyWatch link below.

21 thoughts on “A Hole in the Sky – Skywatch #2

  1. Sara

    Here in Seattle it’s been VERY cloudy and overcast also, and I totally know how great it is to see a bit of blue. Hooray for blue sky! Good skywatch post.

  2. disa

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