Skywatch Friday – Ice Storm Coming

On Monday, those of us fortunate to live in northeast Oklahoma were told that an ice storm was coming Tuesday. We also had strange sky to the south that same day. I told Sweetie that it looked an “Angry God Sky.” The ice storm came and we lived through it (and I don’t really believe that God is mad at us Okies.)

For interesting views of the skys from all over the world, or to contribute your own images, check out Skywatch Friday.

19 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Ice Storm Coming

  1. Pat - An Arkansas Stamper

    Nice sky shot. Our skies looked much the same here in central Arkansas. We escaped the brunt of the ice here in the Little Rock area, just getting enough to make the roads slippery on Monday night/Tuesday morning. It was all gone by late Tuesday. We lucked out, this time.

  2. Enigma

    Oh yea….have seen skies like that — a few days ago most recently. We got more snow than ice, but still…

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Tricia

    Nope, he must have been too mad at us Missourians, because WE GOT IT – We’re still iced in & it’s been 3 days – I’m sick of winter!
    You shot a really great scene though there in Oklahoma!!!

  4. SandyCarlson

    That’s a lovely sky. Makes me think the varnish has crackled on the clouds. Lovely.

    God was telling me he is mad in love with you Okies and the storm was nothing personal.

  5. Kathy

    Thats a great cloud shot Yogi. One thing I will hand it to our local weather people is they keep us informed very well about the weather. Did you have to drive in any of this ice?

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