Happy Mothers Day

Wow, Mothers Day is almost over. So I better get busy. I didn’t have a post pre-done. Maybe next year – not this.

Sweetie and I were exhausted yesterday and we slept in. Shh!! don’t tell the pastor but we didn’t make the service. Sweetie is teaching 4 year olds this month in Sunday School and I am her assistant. Hey, and I thought the draft is over, some 35 years ago. Nope, it is alive and well at our house. I even know my lottery number. It is 1. (I know that if you are not a male at least as old as I am you don’t know what I’m referring to, that is too bad.)

Anyway, we went and had only 10 kids this morning. Whew, we also had two teeenage assistants who had their act together, double whew. I had my camera my of course I didn’t take any pictures of the kids. I’m not sure their parents would appreciate it if the Mother-in-Law’s second cousin Ethel in Waynoka called to tell them that they saw little Francesca on the internet! Also, there is too much going on to take pictures.

After we got them herded back from big group I did take a picture of their coloring project. We did another little project that was cool, we painted the kids hands then made a hand print. We had blue paint and red paint. We found out with the first two kids that the blue washed off, the red didn’t. We switched to all blue. But there is one cute little girl somewhere out there in Tulsa that is going to spend a few day with a bright red hand.

After church which took quite a while because some of the parents don’t come pick up their kids until 12:30 (Hellooooooo, come pick up your kids!!!! They are cute and adorable but they are yours!!! Don’t be pulling this crap during football season!) We grabbed a bite to eat, went home, changed, grabbed the dogs and went to a local park for some walking.

SuperPizzaBoy had his triton which is a strange cool little rear wheel steered tricycle. He can really make it go. We were out there for an hour so we worked up an appetite.

So, we made a frozen yogurt run at Freshberrys. A local outfit that offers fruit toppings. I had chocolate yogurt with kiwi fruit, blueberries, and raspberrys. Sweetie and SPB got into a tickling contest. I’m not sure who won but they both had a lot of fun.

Afterward, we hung out at the house a little bit and then went and grabbed Nana to go out to, guess what? Eat Again! (How did you know?)
We went to Charleston’s. SPB again got the sillies but Nana got the final word in.

SPB is vowing revenge!
Sorry for all the exclamation marks. I know that it is a sign of poor writing. But hey, its Mother’s Day.
I hope everybody had as good a Mother’s Day as we did.

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