Skywatch Friday – Blue Sky and Granite

It has been raining by the buckets here in northeast Oklahoma for sometime. When it wasn’t raining it was drizzling and cold. Finally Wednesday, the clouds cleared off and the sun came out.

I was leaving the office and looked to the east and had to take a double take. It looked the granite in the office building was reflecting the blue sky. What do you think? Its pretty close to me.

Checkout Skywatch Friday and see other photographs of the skies around the world. Contribute one of yours! Everybody has a picture they took of the sky sometime somewhere. I want to see it!

11 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Blue Sky and Granite

  1. Denise

    Fantastic capture! At one time I would not have used the world ‘beautiful’ to describe high-rise buildings, but since my love of photography has grown and I see photos like this, I can truthfully say beautiful!

  2. Janie

    I see a reflection of the sky, and of the office building on the right. Great photo. Glad you’re getting some sun.

  3. Christina

    Nice reflections, and so happy to see blue sky, if only for a couple of days before the rain and gloomy weather returned!

  4. jen

    I’m very into the shadow play of photography. Did you notice the more brilliant blue in the tiny glass square that protrudes – bottom left of pic? I also love the mirror reflections in photos.

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