Drowsy Chaperone

Last Friday night we left SuperPizzaBoy with Nana and Sweetie and I traveled downtown to see the touring production of “The Drowsy Chaperone.” I had never heard of the musical and had no expectations.

This might be one of the best musicals I have ever seen. The story line is incomprehensible but the production is magical, and the actors and actresses were “selling it.” It was great.

I rate this production a rare four stars out of four.

Special thanks to Baloney and Doc who let us have their tickets very close to the stage. Sweetie and I have tickets up in the second balcony and it was nice not having to bring oxygen and binoculars to the show.

4 thoughts on “Drowsy Chaperone

  1. Baloney

    Thanks to you and Sweetie for using them! Hate to leave seats empty.
    Glad you liked it!
    Someone else told me they didn’t care for it.
    I think if you liked it, I probably would’ve.

  2. Pacey

    I’d love to see them too, i love musicals esp when I was younger, in my elem and secondary days. Used to join some productions too. It sure look fun.

  3. Denise

    I don’t think I have ever seen a stage musical in a long time. Saw my future daughter-in-law sing in a college opera a few months back though. It was fun seeing her sing on the stage.

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