Arts and Smarts, No More Fat Tires (no!), and What’s up with our Schools???


It has been quite a weekend. My weekend started Thursday because of my work schedule. Sweetie and I along with some of my coworkers and friends attended the “Arts and Smarts” Triva Quiz and Art Show sponsored by the Autism Center of Tulsa. The arts part was a display of art by Tulsa area students on the Autism Spectrum. The blurry picture above was one of SuperPizzaBoy’s contributions.

Our table came in fourth. Just my luck, the winning table was hosted by Oklahoma’s hottest mommy blogger, the lovely, talented, and too darn smart for her own good,  Baloney. Below is a picture of her doing her victory dance.


It’s a good thing she is not competitive or anything. Her hat is some sort of victory crown or something, I’m not sure. Anyway, we all had a good time. Sorry about the red eyes Baloney. They look better than my green eyes so you will just have to be happy with the red. Don’t worry folks. She doesn’t mind me poking fun at her. You see she is my Aunt, I call her Aunt B. She bakes cookies and everything an aunt is supposed to do. One of these days I’ll tell you how she came to be my Aunt. As soon as I can think up something.

Aunt B hosts her own daily online trivia quiz. Check it out, its free, its fun.

Sweetie and I got home and I proceeded to drown my sorrow and shame on finishing fourth with my favorite sorrow and shame treatment specially bootlegged in from the People’s Republic of Kansas by a friend. It’s not a legal treatment in Oklahoma but that is a post for another day.

Anyway I finished my second dose of the medicine and I soon had hives all over me. I mean all over. No photographs, sorry, but you would thank me. Thanks to some quick thinking by Sweetie and antihistamine I recovered. I felt like crap but I recovered. So now the question is: No more Fat Tire? I’m getting depressed, Is the treatment for depression the same as for sorrow and shame? Can somebody out there in our medical community throw me a bone here?

You know, crap like this never happened when W was President. He kept a lid on it. Something to think about you liberal dupes. I saw a video by this English dude who said that O was going to Copenhagen in a few weeks and sign a treaty that is going to ban microbrewery beer. We are all going to have to drink Bud Light. Its true! Hal Lindsey says so. Its foretold in the book of Revelation. What if there is the slightest chance that it can happen? Wake up America!

So Friday, I was feeling a little puny so I tagged along with Sweetie. I’m practicing for my retirement. I plan on just following her around all day. Until the housework starts. Then I’m going to go to the post office or whatever old retired guys do when the work starts. What do you think of my plan? Its going to be a while before I retire. I mean I have a 6th grader with autism. So, give me another dozen years or so in the workforce. Enough to get the kid educated and out the door.

Anyway, Sweetie and I went to SPB’s school to deliver his lunch. I was hanging around looking at the student projects displayed in the hall. SPB’s class does a lot of interesting stuff. Miss Jo is his teacher and she keeps them busy. They dissected owl droppings and identified what they found. Miss Jo got the droppings from the Zoo. They feed the owls voles. So the kids got to identify the various vole parts. I thought that was extremely cool. Here is a display of the various kids owl dropping dissections. Miss Jo said that everything was clean and sanitary with no undue smells. The kids had a blast. They separated out the various vole bones and identified what bones they were. Cool!! I’m so jealous. I had a great 6th grade teacher but we didn’t do anything like this. What you are looking at are the vole bones arranged on paper by the kids and then they drizzled Elmer’s on them to stick them in place.


Another thing that Miss Jo had her kids do was “Cereal Box” book reviews. We had fun working with SPB on his. Basically the kids made a book review fit on a cereal box. You know, illustration on the front, summary on the back, characters on the side, setting on the other side. It was fun. Here is a picture of everybody’s work. They had to make a name for their “cereal.” SPB came up with “Frosted Mysterios.” That’s my boy!


No, SPB’s isn’t the one in front. His is the orange papered one. I just love this kind of stuff. Makes me want to be in sixth grade again, NOT!!! Maybe they’ll have this kind of stuff at the adult day care center Sweetie promises to enroll me in if I follow through on my retirement plan. That’d be fun.

SPB has another teacher for Social Studies. Mrs. W. The kids are studying Egypt right now so the kids decorated the boxes below.


Anyway, you want to know what is up with schools these days? I don’t know about all schools but at SPB’s school the teachers are working their butts off teaching our kids all sorts of stuff. That’s what.

So that’s the report. How is your weekend going?

6 thoughts on “Arts and Smarts, No More Fat Tires (no!), and What’s up with our Schools???

  1. Janie

    That’s very weird about the Fat Tire hives. Or maybe it was something you ate at the school event?
    Your son’s school sounds very cool. If I had to go back to 6th grade, I’d want to enroll there!

  2. Baloney

    I’m wondering if it was something you ate. Try another fat tire and be ready with the Benadryl just in case.
    My inner vamp always shows in pictures. Must be something with my grey-ish eyes. Besides, you admitted that I’m brilliant. I could forgive you almost anything now.
    That’s my friend Clark behind me in the pic. He is trying to recruit one of my players for next year.

  3. Tulsa Gentleman

    You have posted a profusion of prose today. It makes me wonder how much of that elixir you consumed. You have revealed your inner sixth grader. It all looks like fun even tho I had to go to Wikipedia to find out what a vole was.

  4. Sunny

    Very cool what SPB’s teachers are doing, I don’t remember school doing fun things like that.
    You have a great way with words!
    Sunny 🙂

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