Sell your Block Buster Video Stock Now!

Remember Blockbuster. The video rental company. Sell your stock; do it now. We were in there yesterday looking for some movies for SuperPizzaBoy. Well they have really cut their selection down. I mean Redbox and Netflix have been kicking some major Blockbuster butt. But I have proof that the end times are near.

They are now selling books.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

3 thoughts on “Sell your Block Buster Video Stock Now!

  1. Sunny

    Blockbuster seems to be dropping like flies. Our neighborhood one on Cape Cod closed down a few years ago. Right before they shut for good, they were selling all kinds of things and had a horrible selection of movies.
    I think the pay per view movies also hurt their rentals.
    Sunny 🙂

  2. Zhu

    And I don’t know for the US, but in Canada, Blockbuster is more much expensive than any other video store, for the same (lame) selection.

    I stopped going years ago…

  3. DrillerAA09

    The local Hollywood Video and Movie Gallery here are closing their doors. Between “On Demand”, Netflix, and movies online, the video stores are taking a beating but they’re not still ticking!

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