Versatile Bloggers

I’m so happy my friend Baloney has given me an award!!!

Isn’t it pretty I love it. But in typical Baloney fashion she has given me some homework. (That’s the former school teacher in her you see)  I have to reveal seven truths about myself and then give the award to seven other bloggers. So lets get to it.

The Seven Truths

I hate science. Just cannot stand it all. You see science is all about facts, data, analysis, and theories, and you actually have to show your data and analysis. Worst of all before you can publish your data and theories you have to let other scientist review your work. How dreadful! Its just a lot easier to have Glenn Beck tell me what to think about stuff like Global Warming.

And besides what matters is my feelings about things, just ask Oprah, she’s on at 4!


I hate Sports – I really do. What’s the point? Point me to a good quilting show instead.


These girls tried to tell me about something called the Dallas Cowboys.

Cowboy's Cheerleaders

They don’t look like boys to me. What do you think?

For some reason I ended up being the team blogger. I even have my own locker.


I hate going out into the woods. There is this thing called Geocaching that is just so lame. Why on earth?



Gardens, They are just so dreadful.


The allergies kick in just thinking about it.

I hate art. I just don’t understand why people like it. I mean anybody can paint. Just go to Hobby Lobby and get one of those paint by number kits. Same thing.


I hate eating at nice places


I mean, what’s the point? Meat and potatoes for me, preferably fried. Yep that’s me.

I hate running!!


Hey look there is SuperPizzaBoy in a race


And look there is Baloney, and my wife Sweetie, Go Ladies Go!!


I especially hate trail running, you never see anything good!

Holmes Peak #2


And many runs have this horrid practice of serving beer to the runners.


I just cannot believe anybody would drink beer at 9 in the morning after running several miles. Runners are just awful, don’t you think?

And I”ll add an eighth truth. I do this with trepidation. Baloney is a stickler for the rules and she is liable to jerk that award away from me and then where would I be? Awardless and alone that’s where. But I’m going to risk it.

My eight truth is that I am very positive person.

Now, I get to inflict this on seven unsuspecting bloggers. Lets see, who has made me mad lately? Hmmm.

The Real Housewives of Oklahoma – They are awesome. Check it out. Baloney is one of them (Mrs. Priss is her handle there.) – So right back atcha Baloney!

Bill at Tulsa Gentleman – Bill is a very creative blogger and a great photographer and genuine all around nice guy. He, SuperPizzaBoy and I are trying to get a disk golf game going soon.

Dawn’s Diversions – Dawn is another RHOK star. She has turned into media superstar lately. She is a champion commenter.

My Sister Ellen of News of the “Pole Yard” I know that its nepotism but she really has a nice blog describing the life of her and her family out on the Colorado prairie.

An Oklahoma Granny – Check Granny out, she blogs about her life. She is a good and interesting writer and a great commenter.

Ken at …Miles to go before I sleep – He is a running blogger with a great sense of humor and big heart. Ken is an ultra runner which means distances over a marathon. He has run 100 mile races!! A genuine nice guy.

Sarah at Brit Gal in the USA. Describing the adventures of a Brit married to “Hubster” in northwest Oklahoma. She is a US citizen now!! Great photographer, great sense of humor. And she and I have a mutual acquaintance it turns out.

There are just so many bloggers to choose from.

16 thoughts on “Versatile Bloggers

  1. Baloney

    I had to reread the first one a few times before I realized you were just lying. So by the time you added #8 you’d already jumped off the cliff.
    I wonder how those RHOK gals will handle the award. It’s their first!

  2. Okie Prof

    Once again, if it didn’t take. I’m envious, and jealous, and here’s to versatility and non-cookie cutter life. Well deserved. We need this award in the Okie blog contest–breaking the rules, not fitting categories. inspiring. As long as I get to beat you in fb scrabble.

  3. Dawn

    What a fun way to post your truths! Even if you don’t like Glenn Beck. 😉

    Thank you for passing the award on to me! I so appreciate it.

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