Skywatch Friday – ICE from the Office


There have been some colorful skies from my office window lately. I like it when the color reflects off the Arkansas River.


I did a little science experiment with the following two photographs.



I stitched them together using Microsofts’s Free Image Composition Editor (ICE) and got this:


Not too bad, it would have been better if I had straightened the two photos before stitching them together. Or maybe next year Santa will get me a new camera and wide angle lens?

19 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – ICE from the Office

  1. Sunny

    The reflections in the first picture are amazing.
    My camera will stitch up to three pictures together but I find it tricky to use, mainly it’s my old eyes that don’t work!
    ☼ Sunny

  2. clairz

    Wonderful photos, Yogi. My photography class instructor told us that if we were planning to shoot scenery, we’d better get a wide angle lens. Still haven’t followed that good advice (he wasn’t giving out grants, lol), but I like the idea of stitching several photos together. However, just like Sunny (comment above) I find that the darned old eyes are a problem.

    Again==beautiful, beautiful photos, Yogi! Enjoy your Skywatch day!

  3. Sylvia K

    These are incredible! Love those flaming colors! I think you did a terrific job! I’m getting so excited about the photography class I’m going to be taking at the end of the month. The instructor has had his photos published in National Geographic and fortunately, it’s for beginners! Have a great day!


  4. Martha Z

    You give us some spectacular shots from your office window. These are some of the best. I like the way you stitched that together. I think it is even better than the results from a wide angle lens.

  5. Tulsa Gentleman

    It is totally unfair that you have an office with a view like that. There is no way we can compete with that gorgeous photo. Oh well, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

    You might try Autostitch, another free photo stitcher. I like it because it lets me stitch 6 or 8 photos together/ I don’t know the limit. I can take photos like:
    1 3 5
    | / | / |
    2 4 6 and they will stitch themselves together. It seems to take care of minor adjustments for exposure and straightening.

  6. MarieElizabeth

    I wish my office had a view like this! Lovely photos, really like the reflection on the water. Today I was shooting somethings where a wide angle would have been handy as well. We can keep hoping.

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