Lomographic Oops!!

As some of you know I have been experimenting with a Diana Mini 35 mm camera. I’ve had a lot of fun with it but sometimes I struggle.
Logan Collage 1

(I’m sorry I love my boys smile.)

Sometimes I screw up. A roll of film takes about 24 photographs in the standard mode. The last roll of film I put in seemed to be taking lots and lots of pics. Apparently the film wasn’t in the sprockets quite right so it kind of “slid” along. The negative strip looks like a continuous exposure.

Pumpkins 1
(I love pumpkins and all things Orange in the Fall, no I’m not an OSU fan.)

When I picked up the photo cd from Walgreens and looked at the index print it seemed like I had about 60 photos on the the roll. They were all jammed up together and partially double exposed. Most of the result didn’t look too good (although the Lomography folks love mistakes. The encourage the practice of double exposure where you take pictures with a roll of film and then give it to somebody else to take another set of pictures with the same roll and then see what you got.)

Afternoon on Arkansas River

As I looked at them though I thought there were a few that were not half bad. Like the top pair of photos of SuperPizzaBoy on a fishing trip. The next pair are of a pumpkin town near our house. I liked the one above. I cropped it because the edges didn’t fit the sun on the river.


The above is a mash up of SuperPizzaBoy swinging. I intended to do multi-exposure but on three different pictures so I have about six images superimposed on the one frame. Full confession, the frame was so overexposed I used Picnick.com to increase the contrast. I think the Lomo police are going to come take my camera, do any of you care?

I’m going to continue experimenting. I love the old timey feel of the photos. I know it doesn’t make any sense.

Do you ever do anything that doesn’t make any sense?

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17 thoughts on “Lomographic Oops!!

  1. Territory Mom

    I love the photos. I think they are perfect. My life doesn’t make sense. With that in mind I think it will be a fun weekend! Hope you have a great one too!

  2. Okie Prof

    Doing things that don’t make sense is what being creative is all about, being a child,having fun, to escape the “sensible” world of adults that drives us crazy because we forgot who we are–bravo!

  3. Gaelyn

    Intentional double exposures can be very cool. I really like the last one, and SPB’s smile. Isn’t this what editing programs are for? Keep having fun!

  4. Impulsive Addict

    I find it very cool but that doesn’t mean that I understand anything about what you just said. If you wanna talk about math or science or mommy stuff, I’m your girl. I LOVE taking pictures and I experiment with the settings and that’s about it. I wish I knew more.

    But I think you did good. Is that the wrong thing to say?

  5. Sylvia K

    About half the things I do don’t make sense! But I have fun, just like you do???? Love your captures for the day and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with playing — and the older you get, the more fun it is! Hope you and Sweetie and SPB have a wonderful, FUN, weekend!


  6. Barb

    Sense? That’s always relative isn’t it? I absolutely love the last shot – such movement and interesting images all mushed together. Nice, Yogi!

  7. Leedslass

    I think my middle-aged kids would say I never make sense but I’m a happy old biddy so making sense or nonsense c’est la vie. That’s their problem not mine 🙂

    Nice post by the way, if only I understand half of it!

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