Geocaching – Scouting Chandler Park for the RHOK

Son and I have been scouting geocaches lately. Not that I need an excuse, he hates geocaching with a passion. If they ever came up with a videogame “Zelda the Windwaker Geocacher” he might be interested. Otherwise forget it. But he’s a good sport. The reason we are scouting geocaches is that my friend Baloney of “That’s Baloney” and I thought it might be fun for her and some of her fellow Real Housewives of Oklahoma (“RHOK”) members to go geocaching and then for us to blog about the experience.

Kia Soul
(In case you are wondering, all is well with my Soul)

I think it would be fun but I don’t want to take them to find geocaches that I’ve already found. What good would that be? On the other hand looking for a cache and not finding it is a bummer. Especially if some of these ladies bring their kids along.  And then you want to take them some place different, but not too far away, after all these women are busy. Sometimes I think they should change their names to the Real Busy Housewives of Oklahoma .They are on the go all the time, here, there, and everywhere.

So anyway SPB and I decided to check out a cache in Chandler Park in west Tulsa. The cache is called “TAG CITO 2011 Commerative Cache“. (A little translation, TAG is Tulsa Area Geocachers, a local geocaching group, CITO is Cache In, Trash Out where cachers help clean up parks and such as a way of giving back to the community.) Anyways, nobody had found it in a while so off son and I went.

Girl Scout Troop 84
(Nope that is not a cache, it really is a birdhouse, I checked)

There was a little disclaimer in the description. It described the terrain as “rough.” That can be troublesome because no geocacher will ever claim that terrain is too “rough.” If somebody planted a geocache at the summit of Mount Everest the description would say “possibly rough terrain.” Well anyway, off we went. The first thing we saw was the birdhouse. You know if some girl scouts could make it this far, so could the housewives.

Chandler Park Geocaching 1
(You don’t really need to climb this wall)

Now, I’m not going to spoil anybody else’s fun by showing how to get to the cache or the details of its placement or any of that. But I have to ask myself, could the RHOK women climb up this wall of rhoks? Heck with them, could I climb up this wall?

Chandler Park Geocaching 2

Assuming they got up the wall and down the other side and into the canyon, could they get out? I wasn’t sure that I could get out! The shadows were getting kind of long. Maybe we’ll find something a little less challenging. I’m not worried about them, they can do anything, I’m worried about me. I guess that I’ll keep on looking.

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8 thoughts on “Geocaching – Scouting Chandler Park for the RHOK

  1. Yogi♪♪♪

    @Ann – yes there are thousands of geocaches in New Zealand.

    go to geocaching dot com and enter a city and country and a list will pop up of caches that are close to that city.

  2. Sandy Carlson

    You guys are able tour guides. What a nice way to get out. It sure is hard when you don’t find one and there are kids in the posse. I remember being in the woods with family and my daughter and nephews. We were not finding it, and then we came across a discarded toilet (Someone had thrown it out the window, maybe?), and we all were afraid it was there. Happily, it was elsewhere. But what a laugh. Geocaching is so worth it.

  3. Dawn

    Yay!! I can’t wait. And yes! I can climb it. But my short little friend, Mrs. M, may need a boost. But I’m used to doing that. Haha!!

    Thank you for taking the time to search for us.

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