Midweek Blues – Retired Ride


I found this while on a walk just beyond the outer edges of downtown near the apartment house in my post yesterday. It looked to be some sort of retired portable carnival ride that had been out of service for a few years.

Midweek Blues

14 thoughts on “Midweek Blues – Retired Ride

  1. DrillerAA09

    It definitely came from a carnival. Let’s open it up and see what unfolds. You do find some interesting photo subjects on these little walks of yours. Keep it up, by all means.

  2. By Nela

    He descubierto tu blog y me ha encantado su contenido, desde hoy soy seguidora. Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog By Nela, y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como seguidora y asi seguir en contacto.

    Un saludo muy cariñoso.


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