Skywatch Friday – The Downside of Daylight Savings Time

ONEOK Plaza Sunrays

Spring is here, the days are longer and it is warming up and all that is a good thing. Along with that comes daylight savings time and that is another good thing except that it is the end of my sunset photographs. I love my job but not enough to stick around another hour or so to take some pictures.

Speaking of that. After eleven years of a great view I am moving into an interior office from my cubicle by the window. I will miss my view but I am kind of a “just tell me where you want me to work” kind of guy.

Skywatch Friday

34 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – The Downside of Daylight Savings Time

  1. Leedslass

    Are the Powers the Be moving you because of the sunsets??????? I’m wondering if they want their pound of flesh in work, rather than photography??????? Just asking.

  2. Sylvia K

    Oh, I’m so sorry, too, that you’ll be losing your incredible view, but I’m willing to lay odds you’ll still manage to grab a sunset or two! I hope the new office will have some pluses, too!!

  3. Jesh St Germain

    You’re taking your loss in stride, Yogi -if it were me, I probably would have complained! You chose (was it you) my all time favorite composer -can’t get enough of his music (which me the weirdo in school when the Beatles were at an all time high!)

  4. afanja

    Wonderful shot of the river in the sunrays. I’m sorry to hear you are losing this great view. Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend.

  5. eileeninmd

    Lovely sky capture! Sorry you are losing your great view. Maybe the next person will not mind sharing the view once in a while. Happy Skywatching!

  6. raf

    splendid capture of the sunbursts through the heavens, Yogi!
    I’m sure you will find many more here and there.

  7. Genie Robinson

    I am kind of like you. Just put me wherever you want and I will do my job. 8 years in my “cellblock” proves that. We will miss the sunset shots, but you will give us lots of other to enjoy. The water looks like it is on fire. What a cool shot. genie

  8. AVCr8teur

    Just wait until the end of the year and you can take sunset pictures again. Sorry you will be losing your window spot. I guess you just have to visit your old office now and then.

  9. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    Maybe you’ll get some good sunrise pictures on your way to work, now it comes up later. (Because Lord knows pictures for us to look at are at least as important as getting to work on time don’t you think…LOL!)

    (Both of us spent our share of years working where and when they told us, so you know I’m just acting like an ornery old lady here!)

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