Category Archives: Flowers

Tulsa Botanic Garden Outing


Last week, Heather, Logan and I loaded up and went to the Tulsa Botanic Garden north of town in the Osage Hills.


They have thousands of flowers there, lots of daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths.


All different colors!!


And a bunch of trees including this redbud variant.


Heather taking a break during our wanderings.


It was a nice sunny day and the flowers were beautiful.


We spent a couple hours wandering around


Purple and White (with purple stripes) was my favorite, maybe.


They had some variant of cherry trees with their subtle coloring.


And an agave cactus plant. I had to try my lensball on that.

All in all a great outing!!

And a bonus!! I finished another jigsaw puzzle on my ipad. I am addicted.


LaCorona Vida #8 – Heather’s Flowers


My wife is an exercise instructor at several different health clubs in Tulsa. It’s a part time gig right? Except she spends a lot of time at home putting together her routines and figuring out choreography. Music is important her and she doesn’t hardly ever use the same routine twice or resort to generic music as some instructors do.


All the health clubs have closed during the pandemic and so she had some time on her hands and so she launched back into gardening. She is a certified Oklahoma State University Master Gardener and used to be active doing that but motherhood and the exercise instructor career took most of her time.


So she went at it hard this spring. Buying soil to rebuild the beds and an bunch of plants. Gardening is hard work. Me I love the result. I help out carrying the heavy stuff.


So now we have all these beautiful plants to look at.


I didn’t photograph the right plants but she has got a butterfly garden going. We’ve only seen a couple so far.

Indian Blanket

Does anybody out there not love flowers? I think it may be an international language.


I don’t know the names of all these. I’ll get her to help me out when she has time.

What they hay, you could help me out also if you felt led to do so.

Daffodil Mania at Philbrook


I dropped the kid off at his Improv workshot Saturday morning and headed out to the Philbrook Museum of Art to see if they had any flowers up. And yes they do. I don’t think it is peak yet but there were lots of daffodils up and it was cold and windy so there were hardly anybody out there looking at them.


I’ve come to love these early spring flowers. They are so beautiful and so fragile. They are the spring color I need after the long grey colors of winter.


Hey I found some daffodils with a garden cat. Groan, I know, couldn’t help myself. Philbrook does have two or three garden cats. Last time I was there I was inside the museum and one of the cats was outside wanting in because it was so cold. I didn’t let him in. Do you think I did the right thing or am I heartless and cruel?


And how about a daffodil reflection shot. Strange how they pop out in the reflection against the blue sky but are lost in the lighter colors on the bank.


And another, subtler daffodil reflection photo.


That’s all I got for today folks is several shots of one kind of flower.

Springtime Tulips at Tulsa Botanic Garden


I have been incognito lately on the good ole interwebs and I am sorry about that. I hadn’t return visited any commenters or checked on my friends or any of that good stuff.


Our internet service went on the blink for a few days. I finally got it going again Sunday. It took lots of magical incantations from our tech lady and muttering and such for about an hour but by gum she got it fixed.


Plus Logan is fixing to graduate and has a lot going on plus we are doing a little house updating. I wish magical incantations would update the house. So far it is taking cash, the cold hard kind.


So anyway, I don’t know if anybody missed me or not but I’m back for now.


Plus Logan has a small role in a musical that his school is doing. They are doing Footloose and I’m looking forward to seeing it. Of course I’m also signed up to hush the kids back stage one night and I get to usher the adults one night, and tell them to hush also.


And so anyway I did a get a few hours free Saturday to go to the Tulsa Botanic Garden and take some pictures of their tulips. They were all over the place. I know all the technical names for the tulips. For example the those above are yellow tulips and down below we have purple and red tulips. Pretty impressive huh?


They are beautiful and just kind of speak for themselves I think.


There were not that many people there. The garden is located out in the middle of nowhere way out of town and they are new but they are growing and filling in and it will get more and more popular.


It is a must see for those who live in or visit Tulsa. Check their website for directions and hours.

People Watching on First Sunny Day at Woodward Park


Saturday the flowers were blooming and the sun was shining at Woodward Park. It’s that time of year when Spring is Springing but the trees haven’t leafed out yet.


The critters were out scrounging around.


People were flocking to enjoy the sun and the quiet of the place.


This couple went old school with a blanket and a dog. I wish we had dogs that could just lay down and be quiet in a public place. No way, especially with a bunch of squirrels that need a good barking and chase.


I was totally jealous of this guy or gal. I’d never seen a hammock that closes up like this. What a great place to take a nap.


Like I said, everybody was catching rays.

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The Daffodils are Blooming at Woodward Park


The Daffodils are blooming at Woodward Park


So everybody is out taking pictures of flowers and themselves and their loved ones. When I first got there there was a couple who set up a tripod with a video camera to make videos of themselves making out in amongst the daffodils. I was too flabbergasted to fulfill my journalistic duty to document such goings on in the buckle of the Bible belt. I’m sure they were from New York or California or some other godless place. Anybody out there done a video of themselves making out? We want to hear about it.


I brought along my pinhole camera to take pics of the daffodils. 


This is a double exposure using the pinhole camera. A Holga PC 135.


I can’t wait for the tulips to come up!

Weekend Reflections – Bright Shiny Things


Last Sunday morning Sweetie and I left SuperPizzaBoy at home so he could read poetry, listen to music and ponder important thoughts play video games. (No we didn’t go to church, we were total sinners and didn’t feel bad about it either. I know that we are on your prayer list.) Oh, sorry, I got off track. We went to a local nursery to shop for plants.


At least Sweetie was shopping for plants. I brought my camera along and was taking pictures. Taking pictures (cuz I’m not a photographers, I don’t capture images, I take pictures) of the plants but also…


of the bright shiny stuff they have for sale there. I just can’t believe that let people like me take pictures for free.


I just love it. I also think its a case of bloggernomics. You don’t know what bloggernomics is? Here is a lesson. See all those bright shiny balls below. I don’t know how much each string of baubles is but if you are a blogger...


You get all of them for free!!!! That’s bloggernomics.


It applies to multiple flats of flowers or


a whole pile of reflective balls. And as a bonus you don’t have to haul them out to the car, or unload, and then haul to the back yard. Or water them, or replace them after hail storms or any of that other stuff that comes with the concept of “owning” things.


Is that a win/win or what?


And when we were all done I was happy, and so was Sweetie. Here she is watering the flowers we put in at her mother Nana’s house (World’s greatest MIL in case you are wondering who Nana is.) Look at Sweetie’s big smile.


Nana was happy also, and so was SuperPizzaBoy! No telling what he did at the house while we were gone. I don’t want to know. Trust me.


So, do have any good examples of bloggernomics?

Weekend Reflections

Our World – Tulips

Early in April the Tulips were coming up in Tulsa’s Woodward Park. I took along my Lomography Diana Mini toy camera, a simple film camera.


The tulips were beautiful as you can see. I loved the deep rich color.


They were everywhwere.


Above and below I did a little experimenting with double exposures. The poor man’s photoshop.


It is certainly not an improvement on nature but I like the tulip ghosty images.

Our World Tuesday

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