Thanksgiving 2015

This year we loaded up with MIL Nana and Brother Bob and headed off to western Oklahoma for Thanksgiving.


We got there Wednesday afternoon and the it was warm if a little windy so Logan, Brother Bob (way back there) and I found a nature trail to stretch our legs a little bit.

A little bit later and we started a pre-celebration. Thanksgiving is not something you want to get into without warming up to it.


Among other things we celebrated Nana’s birthday. She likes bling, and among other things she got a blingy cap to add to her collection.


She even had a crown on her cake.

Thanksgiving 2015 Collage

We had a great time with the family and met one or two new members, played a game or two and ate a lot of food. And then we booked it Thursday right after dinner to beat an ice storm bearing down on us from Colorado. You know people are too worried about Syrian immigrants coming into the US. I say bring them on, put them to work, we could use hard working people here. What  I want is for Colorado to keep all their winter weather at home. Is that asking too much?

How was your Thanksgiving??

4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2015

  1. sylviakirk

    Looks and sounds like a great holiday!! As you probably know by now, I became a grandma for the first time!! My oldest son and his wife who live in Dallas have a brand new baby boy!! And I can’t wait to get to Dallas and see him!!!! Enjoy the remainder of your holiday and thank you for all you do for “our blogging world”!!!

  2. JennJilks

    You are so much fun! I’ve had to block posts or ‘unfriend’ many people on facebook with their negative comments. The talk here is that Syrians fleeing the civil war bring much human capital to this continent. They had free university, and good healthcare, up until the bombings, and have many people with gifts to offer. We have refugees who have risen to represent their provinces or federally are a wonderful face of what it is to be human!

  3. Gaelyn

    Looks like a great Thanksgiving. Love that Nana loves bling. Glad you made it home before the storm.
    I had a marvelous time meeting Bill’s family and we drove home Friday in intermittent snow.

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