19 thoughts on “Where does a 20 pound Maine Coon Sleep?

  1. Sylvia K

    What a beautiful cat! And she looks as though she’s asking, “what in the hell do you want now???? I’m going to bed!” Fun post! Is she yours??? Have a great weekend!



    Gotta love cats!!! Big cats, little cats, wild cats…you name it…cats RULE!!!

    Sorry, I’m feeling a little bit crabby today…stop by and see why?!! LOL

  3. Kay L. Davies

    Yeah, what do you mean you want to use this thing? Couldn’t you see I was sleeping here? Now scram.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. Ann

    I went to a place that looks like your header photo yesterday, and I took a photo of two women playing in the water. We are summer here.

    Your cat, some one might mistake it to be a tiger.

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