Stagecoach Skywatch

Last weekend I drove up to southeast South Dakota for a family reunion. I met up with my aunt and uncle from the east coast and my cousin and his family from the west coast and joined countless others in a weekend of learning about the family, visiting, seeing the sights and other activities. One evening under a beautiful blue sky at a relative’s farm a gorgeous stagecoach powered by two beautiful horses showed up. A “Surprise” by our host.

And it wasn’t just for looking at, we were all offered rides and I do believe every single person there had a short ride or two.

Some even got to ride shotgun with the driver.

It was a beautiful sight.

Smiles all around inside. You can’t ride a coach and be unhappy.

My aunt and uncle from the east coast loved it.

They were there for a while making sure everybody got to ride. I loved the shadows on the stage. The workmanship and finish on the coach was exquisite.

Shotgun was a favorite of the younger set. They had the ability to climb up the wheel to get there!

It was a get together that nobody there will soon forget.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday

20 thoughts on “Stagecoach Skywatch

  1. Eileen

    Hello, I would like to ride shotgun. The carriage ride looks like fun. A wonderful family reunion! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend ahead!

  2. Candace Uhlmeyer

    This was wonderful. One of my grandfathers was born in the Dakota territories, and a great-grandfather drove a mail-contract stagecoach in Nevada before he moved to California at the turn of the twentieth century. Memories of the stage were so strong with my grandmother that when she was in her late 90s she’d ask my dad, “When’s the Stage coming in?” And when he’d make up a time, she’d say, “Well who’s going to be on it?”

    Great photos as usual.

  3. Peter B.

    Glad you had a great reunion. The stagecoach is cool looking! Can you even imagine how much slower-paced life must have been when that was a primary mode of transportation?

  4. Alana

    What a way to entertain a family reunion. I have never ridden a stagecoach, not that I can remember, although it’s possible I rode one at a now-defunct theme park in New York City called Freedomland. I would love to ride shotgun. I’m happy you and your family enjoyed. I’ve hosted two small family reunions and even small ones are a lot of work.

  5. Angie

    Now that’s a family reunion I wouldn’t mind attending! How imaginative of your host – clearly everyone got a big kick out of it. Family memories for years to come!

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