The Next Big Thing in Medicine is Small

If you don’t think that Tulsa is at the forefront of medical research and breakthroughs you’d be wrong. The latest trend in family medicine got its start right here in the homeland.

Red Telephone Box 2

You may think that it looks like an old time British phone box. It does look like that but it is actually a complete doctor’s office. Don’t believe me? Well look for yourself.

Telephone Box Medical Sign


Think about it. Rents are high, rents are paid by the square feet, minimize the square feet, minimize the rent, reduce the cost to the patient  increase doctor’s take home.

Waiting rooms you ask? Wait in your car. You’ll be parked right outside. It’s kind of small you thnk? How much room do you need? If the doctor needs more room, he can open the door and you can both step outside? Why all the glass? Cuts down on the electric bill.

What about modesty and privacy? Hah! Aren’t you the one who blogged about your colonoscopy? Posted about passing gas on facebook? Puhlease give me a break on your modesty. Besides, are you really sick or not?

There are lots of advantages if you think about it. You want to know if the doctor is in? Just take a look. You want to know what’s wrong with that nice looking person that had appointment in front of you? Step up to the window and find out for yourself. You might learn something. It might be something you saw on Grey’s Anatomy last night so you can just tap on the glass and let them know. Crowd sourced medicine, very edgy, very cool.

Good old American know how and that can do attitude. You heard about it here first.

I’m participating today with my friend Impulsive Addict and her Talk to Us Tuesday linkup that she and her friend Shawn manage. I am not sure that it is for guys to join in, but I’m doing it anyway.

20 thoughts on “The Next Big Thing in Medicine is Small

  1. Shawn

    I’ve been wondering when you were going to join in on the fun! It’s nice to have a little testosterone floating around!

    Have you seen that toilet that sits in the middle of a busy street that’s made of one way mirrors, you can see out but they can’t see in. I don’t think I could bring myself to undo my belt must less sit on the potty!

    Thanks for linking up with us and welcome to TTUT!

  2. Impulsive Addict

    YAAAAY! Yogi linked up!

    What a funny post! Is that in Tulsa? I mean I completely understand and applaud his moving saving efforts.

    Now I KNOW you like me since you linked up. It’s TOTALLY for boys too.

  3. Leedslass

    I’m sure you’ve given the great British public something to think about with all those spare phone booths. I’ve seen one where it’s been made into a waiting area with a cushioned seat and curtains but this post is the best yet.

  4. Janie

    Funny post! This gives new meaning to the term we use around here for quickie 24 hr health care centers, “doc in a box”.

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