Our World – Hilo’s Rainbow Falls

Rainbow Falls Hilo - Topaz Impressions Oil Painting Lasala 55 pct

While visiting Hilo on the “Big Island” of Hawaii our guide took us to Rainbow Falls just off downtown. The Wailuku River falls 80 feet. There is a natural cave behind the falls where an Hawaiian goddess, Hina lives. The Hawaiian name for the falls is  Waiānuenue, which means “Rainbow Water.” While we didn’t see a rainbow, the falls are beautiful, mysterious, and magical just like the rest of Hawaii. The state’s natural beauty just took my breath away. Fortunately they have preserved many of their treasures. Rainbow Falls for example is part of  the Wailuku State Park.

Linking with Our World Tuesday

12 thoughts on “Our World – Hilo’s Rainbow Falls

  1. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    I am going to try to sell Bill on a trip to Hawaii based on your blog posts. He thinks it’s all one big sunbathing beach … I can’t convince him otherwise , maybe you can ;)))

  2. Barb

    That’s a long waterfall! The way it looks, Hina is protected from view – I doubt anyone can get behind that waterfall.

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