Nerd License part ii

As I related earlier I had a little setback in passing my audit of my continuing education hours needed to maintain my Professional Engineering Certification.
After mulling it over a day or two I called the Engineering Board and talked with somebody about the situation. It went ok. At first it was like, “No, the board denied those hours, and unless you can bring something else forward then this matter is closed.” Then later she softened up, probably due my crying and whimpering, and said that perhaps if the organization putting on the seminars I attended would write a letter on their letterhead confirming my registration at the conferences where the seminars were held then maybe they would accept my hours.

I wrote an email to the president of the organization describing my situation. He responded pretty quickly saying that they would do that. I don’t have the letter yet, so this is not over, but there is now hope.

Later that day I had lunch with my friend Diamond Girl. I first met Diamond Girl about 24 years ago. She is also a chemical engineer (so is her husband, her son and her daughter are chemical engineering majors, if you want to build a refinery give them a call, they can get it done, note that they are not the only husband and wife chemical engineers that I know) and she and I got our PE at the same time. She is very sweet and a good friend and also a little on the bossy side. The people that own the company she works for made her President of the company, good decision since she was telling everybody what to do anyway.
She went through her audit last year and passed despite pretty much using the same documentation I did this year. My theory was that they were afraid of telling her no. Anyway we talked about it a little bit and decided that I was on the right course of action.
So we’ll see what happens!

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