Yogi Film Festival Movie #2 – “The Adventures of Tin Tin”

The whole famdamily went out to see “The Adventures of Tintin.” I’m going to refer you to the IMDB site to explain what the movie is about. It’s complicated and they do a better job than I can.

Besides I dozed off during the movie a few times.It’s pretty and has some neat animated action scenes but it really is kind of dull, even though we sprang the extra bucks for the 3D version.

I give the movie two stars out of five. Nice scenes, great action, sometimes, but kind of dull. Gottasay though that SuperPizzaBoy reports that he likes the movie.

One thought on “Yogi Film Festival Movie #2 – “The Adventures of Tin Tin”

  1. lizzie

    The boys got the original cartoon dvd boxset of TINTIN for Christmas it is great….very close to the books….I think you’d like them…if you have hours and hours to spare! 🙂

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