Pelicans on the Arkansas River


I took a bike ride on Tulsa’s RiverParks trails alongside the Arkansas River. There were lots of pelicans out and about that day.


Some standing on a sandbar preening themselves.


Others jostling for position just downstream of Zink Dam.


They are such funny looking creatures except when they fly. Then they are very graceful.


Sorry for the fuzzy closeup.

I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

11 thoughts on “Pelicans on the Arkansas River

  1. Eileen

    My favorites, the white pelicans. I love these birds, a great sighting.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller

    …pelicans can go all the way up to South Dakota, they don’t seem to want to come up here. Great pictures, Alan.

  3. Amy

    Really pretty birds, you got some good closeup photos of them. Birds here are usually too quick for me.

  4. Alana

    I can’t imagine how they can preen with those long beaks. I loved the first and last shots (I didn’t mind the blurryness of the last shot – instead, I was looking at the sparkle of the sun on the water.)

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