Scavenger Hunt Sunday – Tables Are Just a Start!


Ford Mustang Billiard Table

Try as I might I couldn’t get Heather to agree to getting table. I even offerred to get it white wall tires but noooooo, no can do. So there.

I Collect

Teeny-tiny #geocache like a needle in a haystack #tulsa #oklahoma #geocaching

I’m a geocacher. I have found almost 1300 of them in 23 states. I have found them ranging in size from a fraction of inch like above to a footlocker below in the elevator penthouse of a highrise in downtown New Orleans. The owner of the office building is a geocacher. One of the security guys takes you up to the penthouse. I love it.

Large Geocache



Speaking of music. I don’t think there is any city anywhere that loves music like New Orleans does.



Logan went to a summer camp in Texas last summer. He had a great time. He won some sort of award. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t remember what it was for but he is rocking those cowboy boots. The young people flanking him are camp counselors. I think he was scared to death. He is still bashful around girls, especially pretty ones. That’s okay with his parents, for now.

Someone I Miss

Idaho 2010 155

I miss my Mother. She was something else I tell you. She always had that twinkle in her eye.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

15 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday – Tables Are Just a Start!

  1. Ida

    Very enjoyable choices for the prompts.
    Table – I’ve seen one of those (on TV) and they are quite fun looking. Can’t imagine why your wife didn’t want to purchase one!
    I Collect – Geocaching sounds fascinating. I bet it’s fun to discovers these.
    Music – What a cool sculpture.
    Yes – Proud son. Time will change the shyness around girls.
    Someone you miss – Oh I could see the twinkle in your mom’s eye.

  2. Karen S.

    How could she not want THAT table! How awesome is that! Imagine the conversations playing or sitting at that table too! Great choices, and I miss my mother too, what a sweet photo!

  3. kewkew

    Oh my, I think that table is just too cool! I have heard of geocaching, sometimes I wish is was something I could do with the kids. But they are quite young. Great find for the music prompt.

  4. Gaelyn

    I think you inherited that twinkle from your Mom. But even with that, no table. And Logan surely has it too. Look out cheerleaders. 😉

  5. Janie

    That’s the coolest pool table!
    Hey, I’d rock those cowboy boots, too. They look well worn.
    Mothers are the best. I miss mine, too.

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