Category Archives: Theologoy

The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

So if God sent you a postcard inviting you to a weekend in a shack in the mountains would you go? What if that shack was the scene of a brutal killing of your young daughter? Would you go then? Would it make any difference if your life, including your marriage, was spinning out of control?

Well, “Mack” the protagonist in this novel took God up on his offer and went to the shack and spent the weekend with God. Of course, God is three in one, right, There is “Papa” the Father except God shape shifted to a woman for Mack and is a great cook, and there is the Spirit, whose form is an Asian woman named Sarayu and Jesus is a Carpenter.

Mack spends most of the weekend talking with the three forms of God and they discuss life in general, the relationship between the three manifestations of God and the relationship between God (in three) and people. I found that part of the book fascinating. I’m a Christian who prefers a simple faith and I’m not much of a theolgian but I thought much of what the book says is spot on. The main takeaway I got is that the we need to redefine our relationships with each other and with God in terms of the relationship itself and away from power.

The rest of the book is kind of a too pat story about Mack. Overall I gave the book three stars out of five. It is a good read but the story is kind of a support for the theology. The overall effect was good but not great.

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