Shadows of Tulsa’s Woodward Park

I had an hour to kill before before picking up son from his work the other day so I ventured over to nearby Woodward Park to see what I could see. The sun was getting low, which is great if you love taking pictures!!

I have taken lots of images of the greenhouse over the years. I think it is a beautiful structure. You notice I got a shadow selfie here.

This is the nearby Carriage House of the Tulsa Garden Center. The Garden Center started out life back in the early 20th century as the mansion of an oilman. Back in the day, the female servants had spaces to sleep in the attic of the mansion. The male servants were quartered in the second floor of the Carriage House. No upstairs/downstairs hanky panky here!!

This is Carl Linnaeus and his shadow in the nearby Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday

8 thoughts on “Shadows of Tulsa’s Woodward Park

  1. DrillerAA

    I love those two structures at the Garden Center. The green house is on the prettiest I’ve ever seen. I’m fearful that you have place a falling star on your tree and Heather removed it before it hit rock bottom. Have a blessed week.

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