2008 Okie Blog Awards

I had a pleasant unexpected surprise this morning. I found out that my blog was nominated for the best culture blog for the 2008 Okie Blog Awards. I’m very flattered and appreciative and if any of my readers want to vote for this blog I thank them. The polls close on February 7.

Just click on the logo aboved to go to the link with the nomination list, the rules, and the procedure.

Some of the other nominees are on my blogroll and I recommend them highly. I haven’t had a chance yet to go through the rest of the nominees on the list but I am looking forward to doing so. I expect quite a few will end up on my blogroll. I’m always looking for new blogs to read and just looking at the list there are quite a few that I don’t know.

Thank you very much again too those who voted to put me on the list.

6 thoughts on “2008 Okie Blog Awards

  1. Kathy

    =) You deserve it Yogi. You have an interesting blog. I didn’t know there were so many Okie blogs. It doesn’t surprise me but I had never ran into many until yours. I am still visiting a lot of them for the first time.

  2. T.R.

    Hey! I didn’t make the connection until just now. Congratulations. Rumor has it you have some very tough competition! I might just have to vote for you since I can’t vote for myself. You do have a great blog.

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