Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph

Thursday we went to see one of the most creative and entertaining movies I’ve seen in a while.

It is “Wreck-It Ralph” and it is an animated film starring video game characters. The star is Wreck-It Ralph who is the bad guy in a video game and has been so for 30 years and he just wants a little video game love from his fellow characters in the game who shun him because, well because he is the bad guy and nobody likes the bad guy.

So Ralph takes matters into his own hands and leaves the game and tries out another game in order to find the love he wants. He meets a little girl Vanellope who is a video game glitch and also doesn’t get the recognition that she desires. They team up and soon are battling video game viruses and truly evil video game characters. Ralph in the process of helping Vanellope achieve her dreams comes to realize that being the bad guy is not so bad after all.

And they live happily ever after. I have to say that I was a little leary about this movie and thought it would mainly be a good opportunity for a nap but it is fun, well done, and is thoroughly entertaining. A movie for both the kids and the parents.

Five stars out of five for this one!

Check out Disney’s web site for the move. Lots of games and stuff to check out.  Wreck-It Ralph

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