The Artist with Jean Dujardin and Bernice Bejo

Sweetie and I went to see The Artist last week. I was a little leery because it was a silent film and well you know it, uh, what’s wrong with a soundtrack?

Well, I’d glad we went. You can check the link above for the plot and all that and what I want to write about was the experience. The acting and the score worked so well together that it was kind of like a ballet. The actors are very expressive. I didn’t feel like I missed a thing but not having sound. Jean Dujardin plays silent movie star George Valentin.   Bérénice Bejo  plays Peppy Miller the up and coming starlet. The movie is a silent movie about silent movies and the ups and downs of Valentin and the flirting between him and Peppy Miller.

You know something else, the audience in the theater was absolutely silent. Nobody was talking, nobody was making noise, everybody was quiet. That was great but a little unnerving. It just goes to show that people can quit yakking if they want to. I have to admit that one gentleman in the auditorium (not me) started snoring. That gave everybody a good chuckle.

I was glad I went. This one gets five stars out of five. Not just because it is a silent movie but because of the imagination and crativity that went into it. Go see it.

Are you going to watch the Academy Awards? I am. Go to the Academy Awards Site, vote (not that it counts for any of the results).  Lots of good movies this year, THE Help, War Horse among others.

I’m going for the The Help. What is your pick?

8 thoughts on “The Artist with Jean Dujardin and Bernice Bejo

  1. Leedslass

    This is a film I’ve been longing to see ever since I read about it but I shall await the dvd since we don’t have a cinema in my vicinity.
    I just hope the film The Help is as good as the book – that was brilliant.

  2. Daryl Edelstein

    I loved this movie, it was a mishmash of several old movies .. Singin’ in the Rain being the main rip off … I loved that if you watched John Goodman you could read his lips which said very different words than the billboard (the shots that show what they are saying) …but in my opinion it was a little on the too long side .. his descent into depression was overly long …. yes, I get it, he’s miserable and stubborn .. lets move on… and the ending, it was a rip off of the ending of Mel Brook’s Blazing Saddles .. sorry but I am married to a video editor who cuts actor’s reels so I get to see a lot of movies …

    I am sort of sad that it will win, because while it was innovative and well done it was not IMHO the best movie of the year …

  3. Denise

    Our son went to see this movie and he gave it an excellent review. I hope to see it soon. I also hope to watch the Academy Awards. Thanks for the site.

  4. Impulsive Addict

    I watched the clip. So was that part of the clip that you watched too? It wasn’t silent. It played loud music with like trumpets or something. I’m not sure that I could watch a silent movie. I would need to talk. And my OCD would be in overdrive.

    So, the only movie I’ve seen in the theaters recently was Sherlock Holmes and it was so stupid. M made me go see it on my birthday. I was mad at him for days.

    I want to see the Help though. War Horse sounds sad….like maybe a horse dies and I can’t be sad during a movie.

  5. Sylvia K

    It sounds really interesting. I haven’t been to a movie in years, was never much of a fan once out of my twenties, same for TV — not sure why, I’m just weird, I guess????? Hope your week is going well, it does sound like it!


  6. AVCr8teur

    Before watching the preview you linked to, I had no clue what the movie was about. I just wanted to see the dog. But now, I see that it is quite a dramatic movie. It’s nice to see a different movie style instead of bad remakes.

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