9 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Tryptych

  1. Leedslass

    Like your tryptich but what a doylem am I? The last picture had me looking at it and trying to work out what sort of bird it was – ostrich came to mind – then I realised someone was doing a handstand and the “bill” was a pair of shoes!!!! Memo to self, make an appt. for opticians.

  2. Yogi♪♪♪

    The last photo is of a real live person. There were three young women with a photographer in tow moving through downtown doing various poses separately and together. This was the only one I got. They were a real hoot to watch they were having so much fun. I have no idea what they were doing.

  3. Sylvia K

    What a fun post to start my day!! Just how often do you run across a woman standing on her head when you’re out for a walk??? Love SPBs horned friend! Have a great day!


  4. Barb

    Read you explanation of the last pic, which had me really looking. (I thought it was your shadow spirit making a dive for it!) I really like the the effect on the pic with the sheep. As always SPB’s smile warms my old heart.

  5. SandyCarlson

    These are fun. Thinking of triptychs and how they refer to folds and how life folds and unfolds itself the more we look. Yours is a beautiful world. Thanks.

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