Pre – Valentines and then a little Geocaching

One thing our church does this time of year for couples married over 50 years is present each wife with a corsage. They are delivered the Saturday before Valentines Day and the couples are specially honored the next day in church

Getting the corsages to the wives is a big undertaking requiring lots of volunteers. Sweetie and I have been doing for several years. It is pretty cool because the women love the corsages and most of the time we get invited in to sit for a spell and talk with these couples. We love it. These folks have quite the stories to tell.
This year Sweetie couldn’t go. She is the co-President of SuperPizzaBoy’s school and she had to work on a fundraiser Saturday night. So I went. It was still nice but not as nice as having Sweetie along. Maybe next year.

I consoled my lonely feelings by finding a couple of geocaches in a local park. The first was a toughie but I finally spotted it. I’m not going to tell you which geocache it is because I want you to spend 20 minutes in a park trying to act not like a pervert while a bunch of Society for Creative Anachronism folks are battering each other with wooden swords.

SCA is an awesome organization because only they are more dorky than geocachers.

7 thoughts on “Pre – Valentines and then a little Geocaching

  1. ♥georgie♥

    Yogi…will you do me a favor…explain geocaching to me…I think I have the jist of it but wanted to be sure…the beans all went to the park at the zoo and did this…I missed it mr gp went with them but it sounded like fun…OH course being directionally challenged I might need a tracking device implanted in me…

    Congrats on being runner up in your cat!!!

  2. Janie

    Never heard of SCA, but sounds like the group would be interesting to watch.
    I think geocaching would be fun. I have to try it sometime.
    Congrats on being a runner-up for the award.

  3. Carol

    I tried to interest my family in Geocaching four years ago. The first search was on the train caboose in Henryetta — couldn’t find it. The next was at the Henryetta lake — scared off by snakes. The kids were from CO and preferred spending the summer days in the pool. No one would go with me the next weekend. I think it is a great way to get out and enjoy the countryside. Maybe I’ll try to get them out again.

  4. Baloney

    Ok – saw a pic of some leaves and a drain. Pardon my blondness but WHERE is the cache?! I’m so confused…
    Michael and I delivered those corsages last year and had a great time!
    One more thing: since when does a geocacher have the ability to rank dorkiness? I’m just sayin’.

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