Sweet Dreams at Orpha’s Lounge

Downtown Tulsa is really pretty clean compared to a lot of downtowns. There are hardly any places to get in trouble. Urban renewal and the police have gotten rid of many of the dives.

There is one holdout though. Orpha’s Lounge. I walk by it regularly and one of my running routes takes me by it quite a bit. Over the years I have seen all sorts of people stumbling in and out the place.

A friend and I were walking by the other day and saw this scene. I guess one of the patrons was sleeping it off. I’ve never seen that before. Most people pick the alleys and overpasses to sleep it off. I guess this guy just couldn’t wait.

5 thoughts on “Sweet Dreams at Orpha’s Lounge

  1. Pacey

    Ha! must have been drunk or whatever. Usually this happens here when people gets to drunk and are never able to stand up or walk farther. 🙂

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