Back on the Trail Again

Monotone Arkansas River

Its been a busy six weeks. Vacation to southern California, wife’s family reunion in western Oklahoma, two trips to Wichita, Kansas in two weeks, ill advised geocaching outing in the Kansas tall grass without chemical protection resulting in massive chigger infestation (I took pics but deleted them, you can thank me now), and a lingering sinus infection. I finally went to the doctor’s office and got to see the PA. (How come doctors are called doctors and PA’s just have a first name? I told the front desk I was their to see Miss R****, and they didn’t know who I was talking about.)

You know how it goes, chigger bites “resolve themselves,” doctors (and PA’s) are generally clueless about running injuries but luckily Miss R**** had an orthopedic student shadowing her that day and he pronounced that I had a swollen ITB (shame on you!!!, its the iliotibial band, a tendon that stretches from your knee to you foot on the outside of the leg)but I should be good to go in a week. Miss R**** was doing a furious head bob agreeing with el studiante, at least Miss R**** was able to prescribe some antibiotics.

So anyway I went home, took my medicine, and healed up. Wednesday night after work I went out for a test drive on the Arkansas River trail and ran four miles with no problems.

Life is looking up.

What have I learned. First, never, ever, ever, go into tall grass without Deet. Second, my Doctor’s day off is Wednesday. Miss R**** is cute as a button and very nice, but she is not a doctor.

7 thoughts on “Back on the Trail Again

  1. Sylvia K

    Great black and white shot! And you have had a few yucky days, huh? I hate doctor visits although I’ve finally found one that I actually like. Primarily because he doesn’t try to convince me that at my ancient age I should be taking this or that. Anyway, I’m glad you’re feeling better and maybe Miss R is just there to take your mind off the aches and pains????? Hope you have a great weekend!

    Oh, by the way, there has been a movie made about the woman I wrote about yesterday and there’s a very moving article about how her story was finally found and made public. I did an update this afternoon.


  2. Barb

    Chiggers ,sinus, and ITB problems – poor Sweetie (for having to put up with your groaning…). Seriously – hope all is well.

  3. Tulsa Gentleman

    Chiggers and poison ivy are our heritage. When I was a kid in the age BD (before deet) we powdered our legs with sulfur, painted the survivors with clear finger nail polish and tried not to scratch. A really bad case of chiggers can run to blood poisoning.

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