Weekend Reflections -The Beach #2


Son on the beach near Carlsbad, California. It’s always interesting to me how the reflective beaches can be after a wave washes out and a very thin film of water remains. Also, since we were at the beach I didn’t bring my “good” cameras. I used an old out of date disposable camera. I was pretty happy with the results. Something to be said about the ultimate in point and click.

Check out Weekend Reflections

13 thoughts on “Weekend Reflections -The Beach #2

  1. Sunny

    I really like everything about this picture. It would make a great poster, a visual feast.
    Have a delightful weekend.
    ☼ Sunny

  2. Sylvia K

    I have to agree with Sunny! I love your photo and everything in it, too, and it would indeed make a great poster. Sounds as though it’s been a really terrific vacation and I’m very happy for all of you! Enjoy your weekend!


  3. Zhu

    Lovely! You are right, some of the best pictures are taken right after a wave, with the thin film of water still there. It makes for great reflection and add to the atmosphere.

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