Category Archives: Weekend Reflections

Philbrook Reflections

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I was at Tulsa Philbrook Museum Gardens checking out the fall foliage when I noticed some crystal balls hanging in one of the trees. So I went to check them out.l

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They had hung all these balls in the lower branches. I loved them. I think they are for the Christmas holidays.


I had my lensball with me so I made a crystal photo of a crystal. I love garden decorations.

I’m linking with Weekend Reflections. Come check it out!

Weekend Reflections – The End of the Trail

End of the Trail

The End of the Trail is a monumental sculpture by James Earle Fraser and is the entry hall centerpiece at the fabulous National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City.

End of the Trail

The sculpture over the years as come to mean all sorts of things by all sorts of people. The museum has a short video that has one take on it.

I’m linking with Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Inside and Outside

At the YMCA I temporarily joined while my regular gym has shut down temporarily for the pandemic. The Y has this big huge south facing wall of windows. Kind of nice to sit in there in the sunny warmth on a cold winter day.

A shot through glass to the tanks at a local brewery. We started going out to such places that took masking and social distancing seriously. With the advent of the new strains we don’t go out hardly at all. Plus both of us have received our first vaccine dose and we don’t want to get sick while for the second shot.

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And an outdoor shot at a local restaurant. We eat outdoors if the weather is mild.

I’m kind of puny this week. I had a back spasm late Tuesday of unknown cause. That was the day I got my first covid injection but I doubt that caused it but who knows, right? So I have an appointment to see an orthopedic doc Monday so I am self treating with a heating pad, tens unit, ibuprofen, whisky and beer until then. Wish me luck!!

I am linking up with Weekend Reflections.

Note, I may have posted some of these photos before. If I did it is purely a side effect of the self treatment plan.

Weekend Reflections – 2021

I went hiking and geocaching the other day towards dusk. I started here where the freeway passes over a street. I love all sorts of infrastructure. I’ve never built a bridge but I built all sorts of pipelines, compressor stations, natural gas processing plants, and other stuff all over Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

A pond on a hike the family the other day. I love reflections in the water.

I found this highly polished car at a Panera near where we live. I love modern cars but they all look like Toyotas. The older cars have lots more style and I admire them but give me a newer car with electronic ignition and heated seats. My facebook friends tell me the car above is a Hudson.

And here is my new office. I love my old desk. I got it on my 16th birthday, 49 years ago. It was painted with brown house paint and had been sitting in a barn for decades before my parents bought it. We stripped the paint off and it was walnut!! So I stained and varnished it. I love it and I guess I’ll have to give it up when Heather and Logan cart me off to the nursing home or wherever. Note the chrome phone on the desk. I love it as well. I mean I love my cell phone but something about holding a phone up just seems better. You can tell I am getting old can’t you.

This is my first post of 2021. Lots of optimism this year, new national leadership, the vaccines are getting rolled out. Dr. Fauci says life may be returning to normal by the Fall. Sign me up!!

Join the party at Weekend Reflections!

Weekend Reflections – Lovelocks on the SkyBridge

Friday I ventured down the turnpikes from Tulsa to Chickasha to pick the kid up at college. He is done for the semester, can you believe it? Seven week semester break until school starts up again. What’s up with that? Anyway, I went through Oklahoma City on the way down and had some time so I stopped at the Skybridge spanning I-40 near downtown. The light was too bright for a decent photo. At least a photo with my humble skills.


LoveLocks have hit Oklahoma. Dozens of them. This one had a couple rings with it. I tried, I couldn’t remove them.


So what’s up with this? Three locks only two of which are interlocked although they are on the same theme. Is the a protocol to these things? How do I translate.


And then this? Hmmm, is it scandalous or just a family with three people. I’ll let you decide.

Linking with Weekend Reflections.

Weekend Reflections – Renaissance Brewery

My wife and I had a bunch of errands to do yesterday that took us all over Tulsa. We rewarded ourselves with a trip to Renaissance Brewing. A brewery we haven’t been to in a couple years.

A photo of the brewing equipment through glass. Kind of hard to tell what is what.

First up for me was the Gamma Ray IPA. A full 16 ounce pour of a solid, very drinkable beer.

And then second was the Dragonsbreath ale. A smaller pour (that’s okay!) brewed with fiery serrano peppers. It was very spicy and very sippable.

So we had a good time in the brewery off by ourselves in the corner, socially distancing. We are loving the brewing scene in Tulsa. There are lots of good places with great beer.

Check out Weekend Reflections

Weekend Reflections – Kayaking on Broken Bow Lake and more

Kayak on Broken Bow Lake

A scene from our retreat to southeast Oklahoma. Perfect weather, no wind. A great time to relax. I used an app called ArtCard to create this.

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Another reflection from historic Shannon Springs Park in Chickasha, Oklahoma. A former water stop on the Chisholm Trail and and now a beautiful park. Lots of infrastructure built by the WPA way back when.

I am linking with Weekend Reflections, come check it out.