Category Archives: Life

Tulsa Home and Garden Show and Happy Birthday Sis!!


Photographs from the Show, some correlate to the Home and Garden Bingo Game I’ve been playing.


There was some beer drinking going on, not a whole lot. Now I really like my malted beverages but this stuff looked, flat and warm. It looked to me like a bunch of people carrying their urine samples around. Not very appetizing.


I looked all over for a beauty queen. They used to be at the show. Perched on stools talking to people and handing out autographed stills. Not this year. I found me a cheerleader instead. She is very attractive; I bet she used to be a beauty queen.


Found me a Man Cave. Sweetie keeps saying she is going to fix one up for me. Well, I like hanging with her.


Lots of cooking demonstrations going on. Very expensive stuff.


The Master Gardeners had their bugs out. Gross!!! What if those things got loose. We could have a District 9 situation on our hands.


Lots and lots of manly mowing machines. Sweetie wouldn’t let me buy one. I thought I’d look good on one. Don’t you agree?


High dollar mops. Very expensive and very colorful also.

The one shot I couldn’t get was somebody in a hot tub. I mean how better else to demonstrate your product other than getting in one? Sweetie and I walked around at the end of my shift and I finally found somebody in a hot tub!


BINGO!! I win.

My last shift is today from 3 pm to 6 pm. Come by the Autism Center of Tulsa booth on “Yale Avenue” and say hello. I’ve already met two bloggers I have never met in person before. Driller of Driller’s Place came by and said hello as did Trail Zombie of ...miles to go before I sleep. It’s always great to meet bloggers that I’ve only known online.

And today is very special. It’s my Sister Ellen’s Birthday today! Happy Birthday Ellen!!!

I hope that you have a good one!

Home and Garden Show Bingo Day 3

Day 3 – making a little progress. I scored a bingo today but it doesn’t really count because I didn’t get a picture of the seeing eye dog or cleavage. Also I didn’t see a beauty queen but I took a picture of cheerleader. She was cute enough to be a beauty queen.

Biggest surprise so far. No snowcones and no crying kids, nor plumber butts. No arguments either. What’s up with all that?

One more day to go. Then I’ll show photographs.

Home and Garden Bingo Update and a Shout Out for Junior Achievement

I spent some time at the Home and Garden Show today working booth duty at a volunteer organization.

I managed to play some Home and Garden Bingo. Here is an update.

Print out a form from my post yesterday and come out and play. I’m going to post photographs later. But I have to add show this one.


These young women were very nice and personable. They are seniors at Union High School and are members of a Junior Achievement Company along with several other students. They have formed a business that makes and sells the bows in front of them. In May they will liquidate the company and donate 80% of the proceeds to an non-profit company and 20% go to the stockholders who put up the money to get them started.

I am ashamed to admit that their names escape me but the woman on the left is going to major in Chemical Engineering (what a smart young person and with good manners, she actually acted interested when I told her that I was a chemical engineer). The other young lady has plans to be a Physicians Assistant (she is also smart as a whip). I’m telling you, those that fear for our country’s future have not met these young people. I was really sucking up to the one on the left. I figure I’ll working for her in about six to eight years.

Greater Tulsa Home and Garden Show Bingo

Come out to the Tulsa Fairgrounds this weekend and see me at the Tulsa Home and Garden Show.

My hours there are going to 2 pm to 6 pm today. 10 till 2 Saturday, and 3 to 6 on Sunday.

Come say Hi. I’m going to take your picture and blog about you so be presentable, or not.

There is more information here.

Want to have a little fun while you are there?

 Bring your camera and play Home and Garden Show Bingo.  I was thinking about using the popular Walmart Bingo Card but it seems a little mean spirited to me. So I’ve decided not use it and have made up my own. If you want, print the card below and bring it and play. If you don’t like my categories make up your own. Just don’t make me one. Come by and share your card with me.

Let’s compare notes, and take some pictures. Just make sure you don’t get the crap beaten out of you. My friend Baloney and I have talked about playing Walmart Bingo for some time. My sense of self preservation has prevented me for playing so far.

See you there!

Nice Weekend

Spring Sprung with vengeance last weekend. The Yogi’s made the most of it.

We went on a long walk with the mutts Abby and Ginger. SuperPizzaBoy took his Triton. We went about 4 miles plus or minus.



SuperPizzaBoy and I put in a raised bed in the back yard. Sam’s sells a kit to do it so it was a pilot project. We put it right over SPB’s old swing set that he has outgrown. It was a nice weekend project. We are going to add some top soil and maybe plant some tomatoes when we get the thumbs up from Sweetie, our resident Master Gardener.




The mutts came out and inspected the work. They are not much into manual labor though. Mainly they provide security against squirrels and rabbits.



And we spent some time at Nana’s house checking out her new dog Reba. She’s a sweetie.

Reba 004

SPB had spent the night with Nana. You can tell he is a man of leisure.

Reba 003

Anyway, that’s the weekend report, a little late but hey I can’t help it.

How was yours?

New Car Part Tres


Well, we cut a deal last Saturday and we got Sweetie a new Honda Pilot and we picked it up Monday. Joe the Salesman and I negotiated all day by phone on the price. Much better than negotiating in person. Gives you space. When always needs space when negotiating. We are pretty happy with the deal we got. Joe’s boss told me that I was an excellent negotiator. I told him, “I bet you guys were yelling KA-Chinng, and doing back flips you made so much money off of us.” Never give an inch is my motto. I’m sure they made a nice profit.

Anyway, when we picked it they had the gas tank topped off and the car was detailed. They didn’t have to do that. I’ve driven more than one car off a lot on fumes.

If you need a Honda I would recommend Don Carlton Honda here in Tulsa without reservation. Ask for Joe, he’s the guy in the picture. He is very low key and doesn’t play your typical car dealer games. If you try them and they don’t treat you right let me know. I haven’t awarded a “Burn in Hell” award in a while. They burn me, I’ll burn them.

Photograph of a Moron at the Mayo Hotel

 I work in a building adjacent to the  newly refurbished Mayo Hotel. The Hotel features a very nice penthouse that apparently has access to the rootop. This afternoon we noticed the young man you see above standing on the ledge. He has a buddy, that you can see to the through the pilasters taking his picture. Yesterday, fellow blogger Tulsa Gentleman had a post with a photograph about the penthouse.

I called the front desk of the hotel and told them what was happening. They said they would check into it.

I’m just glad the dummy didn’t fall. At least I don’t think he did.

Sell your Block Buster Video Stock Now!

Remember Blockbuster. The video rental company. Sell your stock; do it now. We were in there yesterday looking for some movies for SuperPizzaBoy. Well they have really cut their selection down. I mean Redbox and Netflix have been kicking some major Blockbuster butt. But I have proof that the end times are near.

They are now selling books.


Don’t say I didn’t warn you.