Category Archives: Clothes

Weekend Reflections – Dress Shop Window

The family went out to eat at one of my favorite places. I always take my camera because there is a dress shop across the street.


Their displays change quite a bit and they are not quite what you see at Kohls.


Tonight many of the dresses had lots of bling. Bling is good.


So, do I now have a fashion blog?


What a throwback, a dress shop window on main street.


Have you checked out a dress shop window lately?

Weekend Reflections

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New Shoes

Things are pretty quiet at the Yogi Den. You can tell because I am all excited because my new shoes came in. They are pretty unique. They are finger shoes. I had to order them special off the internet. Is not the internet wonderful?

A coworker of mine got some last year and I have been jealous ever since. So I finally splurged. They don’t have sales on these and the local outlet is constantly sold out

Sweetie is not too happy with them. She is not going to be seen in public with me if I wear them. Nana, my mother-in-law is not too proud of them either.

Hey, I like them. Pat, my coworker, has 5 pair. Maybe that is why he is still single.

They sure feel good. SuperPizzaBoy is spending the night with a friend of his. I cannot wait for him to see them. He will like them, I’m sure.

We are going to see the Drillers tonight. We are going to Johnny’ beforehand. Tonight might be the night that I show off my new shoes. I’m not wanting to aggravate Sweetie though. I’ll just play it by ear.

Tax Holiday

Oklahoma has their tax holiday this weekend. Clothes and shoes under $100 per item are sales tax free. They started last year I think in response to the Texas sales tax holiday. I think that it is a great idea.

SuperPizzaBoy spent the night with his buddy “Q.” So Sweetie and I got to stay up late last night. We played video games. This morning we got up, drank coffee, read the paper, and went to Panera to eat breakfast and drink more coffee. Fortified thus, we went shopping.

I love to go clothes shopping, for me. I love the different colors that are popular now. I want to have two of everything. Dragging along with somebody else while they do their shopping is absolute torture. I know that is selfish. I know it but cannot help it.

First to Kohls. I had a $50 Kohls gift card from Christmas and it was burning a hole in my pocket. I love Kohl’s. All sorts of cheap goods made with Chinese slave labor. Shirts, slacks, wallet, belt. The whole deal.

Next to Belks. Belks is my new love. They carry a wide variety of Columbia stuff. You can look into the site if you are wondering what to do in Columbia. I love their colored fishing shirts, so I got another one. It is kind of an orange sherbet color. Green twill shorts, more shirts, slacks. I got a nice hat to wear at work when I walk around at lunch downtown.

Home, put everything in the closet. Sweetie and each have our own closet. Plus I take up the extra bedroom closet. I swap my clothes with the seasons.