Category Archives: Fashion

The Amazing Spider-Man with with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone

We loaded up and  went to see the “The Amazing Spider-Man” this week.

Guess what it is a pretty good movie. Andrew Garfield plays Peter Parker. As you can guess he is a mild mannered shy kid who gets bullied a lot and takes a lot of crap from everybody. It’s so bad that that Emma Stone, playing fellow student Gwen Stacy has to save him.

Just to spoil it for you, Peter Parker gets bit by a spider and it does more than sting him. He gradually turns into a bratty superhero who spends a lot of time bullying the kids who used to bully him. His aunt and uncle, played by Sally Field and Martin Sheen do their best to calm him down but it takes the love of a good woman Gwen Stacy to get him focused.

And he needs to focus because there is a terribly bad guy on the loose, played by Rhys Ifans who decides to some human trials early on a drug he is developing and he doesn’t have the love of a good woman to settle his little butt down so he and Peter Parker have issues and there is a lot of great fighting scenes in the movie. Spider-Man (who the hyphen this time?) pretty much has to destroy the city in order to save it. Other than that everybody, except for a certain bad guy, lives happily ever after.

I give the movie three stars out of five. Great action scenes but Emma Stone doesn’t quite come across as a 17 year old student. I thought she was a teacher when she first appeared in the movie. Sweetie thought Tobey Maguire made a better Spider-Man than Andrew Garfield, and I have to agree. I also think that Kirtsen Dunst made a better girlfriend than Emma Stone. She seemed more “highschoolish” for some reason.

Speaking of Emma Stone I saw her on a rebroadcast of the Jay Leno show that originally aired back in June. She wore a stunning red leather dress. When I googled the subject it turns out that I was not the only one impressed with the dress. Technically it was a frock by Monique Lhuillier;(Check out the link, they make some great dresses. Next time I’m at Kohl’s I’ll see if they carry any of her stuff. I’ll get Sweetie a gift certificate.)

The video is a little irritating because NBC starts a 30 second commercial.

She is only 23 years old and has a great future ahead of her.

And that is it for this report on Movies and Fashion.

Weekend Reflections – Dress Shop Window

The family went out to eat at one of my favorite places. I always take my camera because there is a dress shop across the street.


Their displays change quite a bit and they are not quite what you see at Kohls.


Tonight many of the dresses had lots of bling. Bling is good.


So, do I now have a fashion blog?


What a throwback, a dress shop window on main street.


Have you checked out a dress shop window lately?

Weekend Reflections

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