Category Archives: Asperger syndrome

Oklahoma Autism Conference

 Sweetie and I attended the Oklahoma Statewide Autism Conference last weekend in Norman, Oklahoma.

The conference was about the nuts and bolts of autism and its treatment. Not about what causes autism or what is going to cure it. It was about basic information on therapies and interventions. Plus how to deal with the ongoing war that parents have with public schools trying to get the education and help that their children have a right to.

(I got a bad case of “conferencitis” and had to get outside and get myself centered. The conference was held out in the middle of nowhere. Nothing like good honest grass, trees, and skies to get my head back on straight.)

I attended three dynamite presentations. Dan Coulter gave the keynote address. He He got diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2009 at age 59. He gave us Aspie parents hope about our kids future as he discussed his career as a public relations executive with AT&T and later Lucent Technologies and the business that he started and runs.

(I saw lots of places to place an “Autism Conference Geocache” next year. To help other folks with conferencitis who have to get outside and get some fresh air.)

Registered dietitian Elizabeth Strickland gave a great talk about nutrition and gut problems in kids with autism and what can be done about it.

(A general aviation airport nearby. I love the control tower, I love what I call “Okie mid century modern red brick” architecture. I hope the mid century modern Nazi’s stay off my butt. Then can’t even agree among themselves what mid-century modern but they jump all over my butt. whenever I venture a comment on the subject.)

Dianne Twachtman-Cullen, PhD, editor in chief of Autism Quarterly presented on the importance of Executive Function supports in the school setting. It was very eye opening.

There were many other presentations. It was nice to get away and learn new things. There were other Autism parents from Tulsa that we hung out with.

Check out my first link above. It will take you to links where you can download the presentations and notes.

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