Category Archives: movie

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightening Thief

Saturday night the Yogi’s and SuperPizzaBoy’s buddy Nicholas loaded up and we went to see The Lightening Thief. I was dreading it. Kids movie, ugh. Turned out I was wrong. It was pretty decent. So it was a kids movie that is tolerable for adults.

It brought back lots of memories. All the Greek Mythology brought back memories of my World Lit class in High School. One of the characters even looked a little like her.

Hey I was one of the few dweebs who loved World Lit. Especially Greek Mythology. I have forgotten almost all of it though. Along with everyone else.

The Greek Fury that in the movie reminded me of Mrs. Randall my first grade teacher in Payson, Arizona.

Oh yeah, I can deal with mean looks. I can’t tell you how many times Mrs. Randall slapped me out of my chair. I was lucky enough to get her in the 48th year of a distinguished 56 year teaching career. She was definitely old school. Dealing with a Fury’s dirty looks would be a breeze.

This is the only G rates fury image I could find. The furies are major hot!! Except Mrs. Randall, she was not!!

So enough with the trip down memory lane and back to the movie. I give it three stars out of four.

The movie has a web site but it is a yawner. Not much fun there. They need to step up. Most movie web sites these days have lots of information, games, and photographs.

New Moon – the Movie

Sweetie and I went to see New Moon last weekend. I loved it. Lots better than the book, lots. They cut the hundreds of pages of teenage angst to a 30 second sweep. Wonderful!!

This movie is better than the original Twilight movie.

I still don’t get why the the little whiny girl likes Edward instead of Jacob. Edward is such a fop. My dear Aunt B told me after I reviewed the first movie that is because I am not a teenage girl. All I can say is thank goodness for that.

I give it 3.5 stars out of 4.

Skip the book, go see the movie! Check out the web site. Lots of good stuff there.

Whip It – The Movie

I had last Friday off and so after we dropped  SuperPizzaBoy off at his school we ate breakfast and then went to see Whip It. It sounded mildly interesting to me but I really wanted to see Zombieland. I mean Drew Barrymore as a director. Cmon.
Well we made the right choice. The movie is great. Ellen Page plays a lonely little slacker girl who resists the beauty pageant ideas that her mom has. Somehow she ends up at a Roller Derby tryout and makes the team. Then it turns out that she is good at it.
Ms. Page does great but the Roller Derby girls are the stars of this film. They strut, swagger, swear, cuss, drink, and fight. Drew Barrymore even has a roleas a skater and it looks she is having fun!!
The movie makes a head fake towards a cheap teenage romance, coming of age type thing, but gets back to the skating.
I rate it four out of four. Go see it. Check out the web site. You can find out what your roller derby girl name is. Mine is “Valentine Thumper.” You can get a roller derby poster made with a picture you upload but I couldn’t get it to work. “Ugly fat guy detection software” in place?
This movie is fun. If you like football and hockey, you will love this movie. If you like to see girls fight, you will like this movie.