Community Service Hours at the Animal Rescue Foundation


Son Logan’s school requires their kids to give back to their community via Community Service Hours. Logan has tried various things like the Food Bank and local libraries but he found something that he clicks with.


Tulsa’s Animal Rescue Foundation is a no kill shelter that puts dogs up for adoption. They bring a bunch of them to one of the Petsmart stores every Saturday from 9 to about 4. The need help of all kinds: setting up the tables and crates, helping people who want to look at the dogs and cats, and people to walk the dogs ever now and then to give them a break.


Logan is really liking this and is great watching him like it. He is a dog walking machine. They had about eighteen dogs last week and he walked every one of them, many of them twice during his shift. ARF has lots of teen volunteers and I am impressed with them. They pitch in and help where they can and they all love the dogs and cats. 


The dogs vary from old and slow to young and exuberant and Logan gives them all a good walk. Plus many of the dogs appreciate just being held for a little while. Being on display stresses them out.  By the end of the day the dogs are exhausted and are sleeping while waiting for their foster “parents” to come retrieve them. Almost all of the dogs are really good dogs who are victims of divorces or other life changes of their owners that are no fault of the pets. You can tell they are really confused about why they are not home.


Anyways, if you live in Tulsa and you are looking for a dog check out the Animal Rescue Foundation.

6 thoughts on “Community Service Hours at the Animal Rescue Foundation

  1. Driller's Place

    I think that getting kids involved in community service is a great idea. We live in a very self-centered society and the concept of making your world a little better place through community service is a wonderful solution to the issue. Besides, who doesn’t like petting a puppy because you affection will be returned 100 fold. Great post Yogi.

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