Punxsutawney Phyllis

You have probably heard the news by now from Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania.

(from groundhog.org)

With all due respect to phat Phil in Pennsylvania we have our own weather seer right here in Oklahoma. Her name is Punxsutawney Phyllis. Phyllis has her own report.


Here she was whispering to me that she sees her own shadow.


Then she wanted to get back in by the fire. Now.

There you have it folks. Here in Oklahoma we have a lot of winter ahead of us, according to Phyllis. Do you want to argue with her about it? I wouldn’t if I were you.

16 thoughts on “Punxsutawney Phyllis

  1. Sylvia K

    I’m with Lois — never won an argument with a cat either! Punxsutawney Phyllis is a beauty and you both look cold, in spite of some sun! Enjoy your day, stay warm — both of you!!


  2. SandyCarlson

    I think Phil’s biped pals didn’t have the heart to tell the truth. Phil had that “I just got played” look all over him after the reading of the scroll. I am not putting my boots away!

  3. Alyssa

    No way! I’m not arguing with Phyllis! Looks like she could take out an eye. And it also looks like she’s a little peeved that you took her out in the snow–get that poor girl inside next to the fire!!!

  4. Susanna Leonard Hill

    The Punxsutawney Phyllis in NY, star of the book PUNXSUTAWNEY PHYLLIS by Susanna Leonard Hill (Holiday House 2005), available from Amazon and other booksellers, says “No shadow! Early spring!” 🙂

  5. Martha Z

    The cats have more sense than to go out in that cold, wet stuff.
    It’s good that you keep yourself in shape with the running so that you can shovel all that snow.

  6. Janie

    No, I will not argue with Phyllis. By the looks of the snow, she’s probably right anyway. Maybe you should go sit in front of the fire with her.

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