I have a Go Pro Clone action camera that I can mount on the handlebars of my bicycle. It has various modes. It has a video loop mode where it takes three minutes of video, stores it does three more minutes until it runs out of battery. Or I can still pics at any interval you set. I have been experimenting with both modes. Video is a pain in the butt because of the huge files you end up with long upload and download times and a definite problem of separating the wheat from the chaff. Stills are a lot easier. You end up with a huge amount of them but you can just delete the ones you don’t like which for me is literally about 95% of them on the first pass and then about 80% of the remainder get deleted on a second pass review. I now use about a 20 second delay between pics now. In an hour ride that is about 180 photos. Typically I keep about five to ten. The rest get deleted. Thank goodness for digital photos!!
I love the sense of distance in this. I love feeling a long ways from where I need to be. Except when things go wrong. Two years ago on this trail one of my tires blew out and I had to go pick up the kid in an hour. I hid the bike. Called a cab (cuz there was no Uber out in the boonies), took the cab to where my car was, drove the car back to the trail and retrieved the bike and then went to pick up the kid. Thank goodness for cell phones is what I say!!
I like the photos of people out on the trail, like this couple. You can tell by their body language that they like each other.
This poor lady was all over the trail and I don’t think she heard my “on your left” so I went very slowly around her way to the right. My heart really went out to her. She looks like she might be housing insecure. I think she has a long ways to go but I don’t think she is enjoying it. I am no so called “bleeding heart liberal” but our decreasing compassion for people who are down on their luck is a real problem. I hope she found a safe place to stay that night.
You have taken another step in the photographic journey, the willingness to delete! The image of the couple is very nice. Like many areas of our lives, the homeless community has been infiltrated by frauds and fakes. Estimates are that 90% of panhandlers are neither needy nor homeless. Sadly, that has a tendency to lower the sympathy level of the remainder of society. Have a blessed day.
My grandson has a go-pro which he uses for skiing and mountain bike videos which he sometimes posts to Instagram. He’s interested in videography. I like that distance still. What did we do without cell phones?
I see the leaves aren’t on. We have no leave yet but before end of month we should have some showing.
Coffee is on
I’ve been thinking about a go-pro for pics on the move. Really like those long perspective shots.