What I’m Thankful For

The Real Housewives of Oklahoma are asking what we are thankful for.

I’m thankful for my wife Sweetie. She is the greatest wife anybody ever had.

Alan and Heather

I’m thankful for SuperPizzaBoy. He is quite the boy.


Together they make a great team.

Heather Logan Fountain San Antonio

I’m also thankful for my mother-in-law Nana. She is great, just ask SPB.


I’m also thankful for my Dad, Gramps. Its best to keep Gramps and SPB apart. They are always up to something.

Idaho 2010 011

I’m thankful for the rest of my family. Here we are in Idaho. On the back row left to right, my sister Ellen (check out her awesome blog!), her husband Irv, Sweetie, and me. Front row is SPB, Mr. Beans, Gramps, and brother Bob. Brother Bob has recently moved to Tulsa from California.

Idaho 2010 087a

Here is a portion of my extended family in Idaho.

Idaho 2010 084a

Go check out the Real Housewives and let them know what you are thankful for.


14 thoughts on “What I’m Thankful For

  1. Sylvia K

    A marvelous post and tribute to your beautiful family! How terrific! Marvelous photos! Thanks for sharing, you are blessed and the best part is that you recognize how blessed you are! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing your family with us! Have a great evening.


  2. Barb

    I know you’re thankful for your great wife and talented son, Yogi – and best of all, I know they’re thankful for you, too. I like your family pic!

  3. Denise

    What a neat post. You certainly have a lot to be thankful for Yogi, Sweetie and SPB being at the top of the list. I loved meeting your extended family also.

  4. Dawn

    I love that you have a picture of your whole family. That’s so neat.

    Where would we be without our families? We definitely wouldn’t hae much to blog about, would we?!

    Thanks for playing along this week.

  5. Tulsa Gentleman

    You are blessed with a great family. I grew up with no dad and no siblings. Kind of like playing ball without a coach. Mr Bean lookes like a happy kid, who does he belong to?

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