Interstitial Geocaching




in·ter·stice noun in-ˈtər-stəs

plural in·ter·stic·es-stə-ˌsēz, -stə-səz

Definition of INTERSTICE

1a : a space that intervenes between things; especially : one between closely spaced things b : a gap or break in something generally continuous 2: a short space of time between events


Most of my Geocaching these days is interstitial. What I mean is that instead of spending an afternoon caching I work it into my routine. I try to fit my hobby into other stuff that I’m doing. Running, running errands, going to the park with the family. Sweetie knows what I’m doing and is actually pretty tolerant of it. As long as it doesn’t take too long.

Soccer Mom Stare Wall


Monday night I encountered a Soccer Mom Stare Wall. I was in a suburb north of Tulsa to find a few geocaches in a city park. Now usually parks are pretty deserted at 6 pm on a weekday. Not this one, every kid in town was there for soccer practice with their moms. You remember soccer moms? Yep, they are the ones who put Bill Clinton in office. Don’t blame me, blame the soccer moms. Oops, lost a few followers there! Oh well. Sorry, time to move on.


As luck would have it one of the caches was located within about 50 yards of a field where the smallest soccer players I’ve ever seen were practicing. They were all girls, little girls. The dad coach was calling them “ladies.” Like, “Ladies, we need to get going here.” So, I walked way around the field, the ladies, the lady’s coach, and the lady’s Moms, sitting on their collapsible chairs. I then climbed up the berm surrounding the field and down the other side to the zero point on my GPSr so I could start looking for the cache.


So it took me a while to find it. While I was looking for it I could hear voices getting closer. But I didn’t look until I had found the cache and signed the log. What I saw, out of the corner of my eye, was about three of the Mom’s who walked across the field to stand a good distance away and stare at me. I knew they were staring at me before I saw them. I could feel the protective Soccer Mom Stare Wall.

Didn’t bother me though for two reasons. One, I wasn’t doing anything wrong or bothering anybody. Two, those Moms were doing what Mom’s do. They were making sure their kids were safe. I’m ok with Mom’s looking out for their kids.


So without ever looking at them directly I walked back the way I came way around the ladies, the lady’s coach, and the lady’s Moms.

What would the world be like without Soccer Moms? Not so nice I’m afraid.

8 thoughts on “Interstitial Geocaching

  1. Sylvia K

    Another reminder of how different things are today! Back when I was a “soccer mom” and in a relatively small town (by comparison) in Montana, we stood around for a while watching the kids practice, but it never occurred to us to be keeping a watchful eye out because someone might hurt them, kidnap them or anything else negative. Ah, how our world has changed! But I’m glad you understood, as would I these days. Hope you had fun, sounds like it!


  2. Janie

    Those soccer moms are careful and protective. If only they knew you were just geocaching, they would have been reassured.
    Fun to know there are lots of little “ladies” out there learning soccer at a young age.

  3. Ann

    aren’t you worried a prankster might put a bomb? After 9/11, in Singapore, we were taught to be very very careful.

  4. Barb

    Lucky those Moms didn’t attack and ask questions later, Yogi! I guess it was worth all their angst to have found the cache, though.

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