Skywatch Friday – The Crystal Bridge at the Myriad Gardens


This past Wednesday I needed to go fetch the kid from college and bring him home for Easter. I had some time so I stopped at the Myriad Gardens in downtown Oklahoma City and checked out the Crystal Bridge. I think that I have only been in it one time before and that was in 1988 after they reopened up after the Oklahoma oil bust. They are going to shut the bridge down soon, revamp it, and reopen next Spring.

So it’s been thirty three years and yes it is kind of showing its age but it is still an amazing structure to be in.


Lots and lots of tropical plants under big, huge, glass windows.


There is two levels, ground level and then this skybridge which goes over everything.

Not too many people the day I went. Masking and social distancing were being enforced. But there were not too many people so I made several rounds of the facility.


I loved looking straight up the trees.

There are all sorts of little nooks where you can sit and take it all in.

Water is a feature, nothing like the sound of water falling to make one relax.

It’s closing soon. It’ll open in a year. I plan to check it out after the crowds have moved off somewhere else.

I’m thankful for places like the Crystal Bridge where people can go and recharge and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and Thankful Thursday.

18 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – The Crystal Bridge at the Myriad Gardens

  1. Junie-Jesh

    Wow, a delight for the eyes! Oklahoma is one of the last places I would expect this to be:) Happy Easter to you! Whenever Easter is over and you have brought your son back to college, can you email me please?
    Depending on if you have a wordpress blog – two weeks they went over to the new block editor, and now I am at war how to put the (same photo linky as for Sky Watch) in for my meme All Seasons) – thanks:) Jesh

  2. Junie-Jesh

    Wow, a delight for the eyes! Oklahoma is one of the last places I would expect this to be:) Happy Easter to you! Whenever Easter is over and you have brought your son back to college, can you email me please?
    Depending on if you have a wordpress blog – two weeks they went over to the new block editor, and now I am at war how to put the (same photo linky as for Sky Watch) in for my meme All Seasons) – thank you:) Jesh

  3. Barb

    What a beautiful concept. I love the tropical paradise and the water features. Have a Happy Easter. Is brother Bob allowed to visit you?

  4. Ellen

    That bridge is amazingly beautiful. I love that they have desert plants in there too. I’ll have to add a visit there to my bucket list.

  5. Alana

    Absolutely a “wow”. Oklahoma City is on my post-COVID list for other reasons (I never got to visit it when I lived in NW Arkansas) and maybe I’ll just wait till next spring when this Bridge reopens. I went to the Gardens website and investigated further. We have a small conservatory here run by a local garden center – nothing like this!!!!

  6. Michelle Keltner

    What a beautiful place. Makes me think of a nice, warm greenhouse. And, for me, there is nothing like a water feature for relaxation. Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

  7. Sallie

    There is something special about any park space in the middle of a big city because, as you say, that’s where people really need the nature break … and this one is rather amazing! A natural space plus an adventure just being in it! I’d visit it for sure!

  8. JM Illinois U.S.A.

    Greetings and Salutations! I like how you veer off to play while picking up your son from college. It becomes an adventure. Yes, do go back and see how this place changed or remained the same. Enjoyed the cyber tour a lot.

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