Category Archives: Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – Back on my Feet

My knee is continuing to heal well. As soon as all the scabs drop their own I can back in the pool which will be great!!

I’ve transitioned from Home Health PT to Outpatient PT. So I am going to a place twice a week where I pay people to torture me. They give me homework to do so my therapy cat Lizzie checks it to make sure we are doing everything right. She’s a funny cat. Whenever I got on the bed to do something, she’s right up there with me. If you don’t have a therapy cat I suggest getting one.

I’ve started taking Heather’s cardio drumming classes again. I started out seated and now I can stand for half the class before I have to use the chair.

Last week I went on my first walk all by my lonesome. First I had to check out a fire we had in the greenbelt behind our house. Apparently a squirrel shorted out a transmission line, caught on fire and dropped into some brush which caught on fire. The fire department on was on it quickly fortunately.

I went on walking and heard this loud bird. I could see him but couldn’t figure out what it was so I fired up the iMerlin app on my phone.

Brown Thrasher it said. A new addition to my life list!

Found a big field of henbit. Years past I would attack in our yard but I’ve come to find out that it is an important source of food in the spring for pollinators. So now I let it be.

My little outing was a little less than a mile and left me exhausted, sore, and very happy. Time to get back to the house and put some ice on the leg. So yep, things are looking up.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday

March – In like a Lion, out like a Lamb, or something like that

BA Dog Park

That’s a saying about Oklahoma that I heard the whole time I have lived here, could apply to Texas as well where I lived before. March can be very mild and it can be bitterly cold. We’ve had both types of days this March.

The worst are the warm, dry, very windy days. That is when we get lots of grass fires. We get a lot of rain in northeast Oklahoma which means that at the end of winter we have all sorts of dead and dormant grass on the ground and it doesn’t take much to set it ablaze. Lots of huge acreage burned, almost 200 homes burned so far this spring.

And then we get the bitterly cold days. I hate those. March is such a heart breaker.

Heather, to the left, and Kodi, (the brown dot to the right of Heather, at a dog park.

Warm days we take our dog Kodi to the dog park. He has gone from being scared and hostile of other dogs to where he is now a social butterfly with both dogs and people. What changed? We don’t know but we love seeing it.

How is your March going so far?

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday – March Outing

It’s been a couple weeks since my knee replacement surgery. I’m getting a little anxious for this healing thing to get a move on. I snuck outside yesterday and took a photo of our tree outside at the very beginning of the afternoon golden hour. I love spring. It is still cold, but the sun is up high, the wind is blowing, the sky is bright blue.

Today my wife Heather took me on a little outing. We went to see my brother who lives nearby. When I first to the hospital my sister drove down from Colorado and spent several days just checking up on him. She is back home now.

It sure felt nice getting outside.

Skywatch Friday

Nothing LIke Home!

My wife Heather drove me back from the hospital today. I went in Tuesday and as supposed to be discharged Wednesday. Didn’t work that way. I had complications, which were kind of complicated but they let me go today and boy am I glad. It’s a great hospital and took good care of me but man I was glad to get out of there.

February Days

Misty Day in the backyard

Brilliant Blue Sky and and even more Blue Audi (I keep wanting to write Bluer, but I am not sure that is a word.) I’m kind of in a holding pattern because of upcoming knee replacement.

The only bit of green on Tulsa RiverParks right now. Ironically, I am spending more time than ever in the gym now. The surgeon has exercises that he wants me to do to speed up the healing time afterwar the procedure. Plus, the encourage you continue what you were doing before.

Sharing a truffle latte with my wife after an exercise class. So yoga, weights, water classes, stationary bike, and a little bit of walking. Walking is what really hurts now.

A little bit of ice and snow Wednesday morning. So not too many adventures right but I am eager to get on with it and start recovery.

My Corner of the World

Skywatch Friday

Recent Tulsa Area Skies

Last Thursday it rained and then late in the day the sun came out and I happened to be driving by to see this church with some great golden hour light so I stopped and got a photo.

Misty City

Earlier last week during a cold wet miserable day I was on the RiverParks Trails here in Tulsa and captured this image of downtown Tulsa. It’s kind of grainy but I like it.

At local park on a sunny day I got this pond and skies.

I went to the Tulsa Boat Show last Friday. On nice days the Tulsa Driller is always a must do photograph.

Expo Square is where the Golden Driller is, right on Route 66. The county has made some improvements

And a backyard skywatch photo looking east.

And again in the backyard looking northwest.

And from the front driveway looking down the road to the west.

And that is about it.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

Skywatch Friday – Last Week of January 2025

I went looking for a geocache last week that was supposed to be near the site of a former World War II era prisoner of war camp near the Tulsa suburb of Bixby. There is no trace of the camp left, nor was there any trace of a geocache. Bixby has some of the most expensive land in Oklahoma. It is Arkansas River bottomland, flat as a pancake. Used to be huge vegetable and grass farms here but they are pretty much gone and real estate development is taking over. You can see to the right of the photo that there is a new subdivision is going in there. Flat is good for both agriculture and subdivisions I guess. Just between you and me though, I wouldn’t live in a flood plain. I think here in the USA that climate change can jump up and bite you in the rear end.

Coming home I came across this building close to the house. I have always loved this structure. Very clean lines and lots of glass. I love the little sunshades they have on the south side (to the left).

I was picking up pizza at rush hour the other night. I loved the light in this photo plus a big dark cloud was hanging out over town. It was ominous.

This is from the parking lot of the pizza place. I love the cloud and the cars in traffic and the whole thing. I have the technology to take the sign down and the power lines but you know, doing that just causes more problems in my opinion. I am sorry the photo is so grainy. I shot it in RAW on my iphone using the Halide app.

And another jigsaw puzzle. This one of an arch somewhere in the high desert. This one was harder than I anticipated by I “got-r-done.”

So that is it for this week in my unexciting, waiting on knee replacement surgery, life.

Skywatch Friday

My Corner of the World

Skywatch Friday in and around Town

No big adventures lately so what I have this week are Skywatch “targets of opportunity.” Sights I saw while going about my business.

First up is a driveway skywatch shot one morning. I could see the sky so I ventured out on the driveway to take the shot.

This one is from the parking lot of my brother’s assisted living facility. There were some funky looking clouds so I shot them over some neighboring woods.

Asbury Church - Tulsa, Oklahoma

I was running an errand in the late afternoon one day last week and noticed our former church had the days last light on the steeple. By the time I got over and took the shot things had dimmed. The photo is quite grainy but here it is.

Skywatch Friday