My knee is continuing to heal well. As soon as all the scabs drop their own I can back in the pool which will be great!!
I’ve transitioned from Home Health PT to Outpatient PT. So I am going to a place twice a week where I pay people to torture me. They give me homework to do so my therapy cat Lizzie checks it to make sure we are doing everything right. She’s a funny cat. Whenever I got on the bed to do something, she’s right up there with me. If you don’t have a therapy cat I suggest getting one.
I’ve started taking Heather’s cardio drumming classes again. I started out seated and now I can stand for half the class before I have to use the chair.
Last week I went on my first walk all by my lonesome. First I had to check out a fire we had in the greenbelt behind our house. Apparently a squirrel shorted out a transmission line, caught on fire and dropped into some brush which caught on fire. The fire department on was on it quickly fortunately.
I went on walking and heard this loud bird. I could see him but couldn’t figure out what it was so I fired up the iMerlin app on my phone.
Brown Thrasher it said. A new addition to my life list!
Found a big field of henbit. Years past I would attack in our yard but I’ve come to find out that it is an important source of food in the spring for pollinators. So now I let it be.
My little outing was a little less than a mile and left me exhausted, sore, and very happy. Time to get back to the house and put some ice on the leg. So yep, things are looking up.
I am linking with Skywatch Friday