My World – Road Trip


Friday was my day off, I was really off, Sweetie had some stuff that she needed to do, SuperPizzaBoy was in school so I had a day to myself. So off I took SPB to school, said bye-bye, pushed him out the door, and headed off to Osage County northwest of Tulsa to do some geocaching and sightseeing.

I found 20 geocaches during some very lonely geocaching. Which is the best kind. I did make some new friends though. First up was this guy:


He was lollygagging across the road so I helped him on across.

Then this guy:


He wasn’t too talkative. He wouldn’t say a word or even show his face and he wouldn’t get off the road either. This country folks are plum ornery sometimes. So I had to move him off myself. (I guess that it is a him.)

On my 19th cache attempt I met this fellow cacher:


I never know what the proper geocaching etiquette is. Most geocachers I know want to find the cache on their own and don’t want somebody showing up and saying “here it is.” But how long do you wait for them? I mean, come on dude, crap or get off the pot! I have no idea what kind of snake this is but it is beautifully colored and blended in well with his surroundings. I bet somebody out there in My World land knows exactly what it is. I finally plugged and abandoned the cache, as us oilfield trash say, and moved on to the next one.

Well I found 19 caches out of a 38 cache “power trail.” (Plus I found one other cache later) I had time to do them all but I had other stuff I wanted to do. I drove up to the Nature Conservancy’s Tallgrass Praire Preserve near Pawhuska.


They bought a huge ranch several years ago and started managing the land using controlled praire fires. They also reintroduced Bison. The project has been a success. I found 5 groups of bison in my brief time there.


They are beautiful animals.


There were also birds and wildflowers



And of course, my favorite on a beautiful Spring Oklahoma day, huge skies.


They have a visitor center and lots to see but I want Sweetie and SPB along when I do that so we can discover it together. I just went for a taste you see.

So, next stop is Woolaroc. Woolaroc was Frank Phillip’s ranch, the founder of Phillip’s Petroleum. Woolaroc has a museum and a wildlife preserve. I went there because I wanted to see more critters.


I saw some white tail deer, some with their fawns:




Time, to head home. Tired but satisfied.

For other views of world from all around the globe, check out “That’s My World.”

18 thoughts on “My World – Road Trip

  1. Dawn

    Wow! You packed a lot into your day. I’m impressed.

    I’m not impressed, however, with that snake. Eek! That would be enough for me to not hunt geocache for the rest of the day. month. year.

  2. Sylvia K

    What a terrific day you had!! And how beautiful it was and great skies as well! The very best kind of a day. Loved seeing the baby bison and the fawns, too! Marvelous photos, as always! Have a great week!


  3. Janie

    My guess on your reptile friend is a speckled kingsnake.
    You had some great scenery and wildlife on your adventure. Thanks for sharing the adventure.

  4. Baloney

    I was waiting for someone to say king snake. That was going to be my guess. Not bad for a girl who avoids nature, eh?
    I’m determined to make it to Woolaroc this summer.

  5. Pat

    Great critter shots and beautiful scenery. Congratulations on your 19 geocache successes! There’s a ranch in the northern California foothills not far from us where they raise bison. You can sse them from the freeway. Cool-looking animals!

  6. 向霖向霖

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  7. FrederickI_Ferre馨儀

    成人色圖片免費成人影騙免費成人電影觀看曼雪兒情色文學成人小說杜雷斯成人貼圖區一葉情成人影片區一葉情成人論壇一葉情貼貼片區一葉情貼圖片區,一葉情圖片區一葉情語音一葉情語音聊天一葉情語音聊天網一葉成人網一業晴成人一業情貼圖ㄧ葉晴貼片ㄧ葉晴貼片區ㄧ葉晴貼圖區一本道影片一本道線上觀看一夜情天室一夜情無碼影片一夜情貼圖區一夜晴貼片一夜晴貼圖片區一夜晴貼圖區一情夜一貼片一葉情論壇蜜雪兒免費小說 色ˋ情小說 玩美女人嘟嘟成人

  8. Gaelyn

    What an awesome day out to play. Sometimes we just have to get out alone. Glad you left that cache to the snake as you never know when you might find a rattler.

  9. Zhu

    Feel free to delete the comments in Chinese, they are spam (says the Canadian who speak Chinese).

    I love the first pictures (endless road!) and the signs at the ranch. The animals too! Never seen bisons before I think.

  10. Denise

    You did have a great day with some super photographs. I haven’t seen bison for a long time. They7 are wonderful animals but I enjoyed your other wildlife too.

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