Amy Bloom – “Where the God of Love Hangs Out”

“Where the God of Love Hangs Out” is a collection of short stories by Amy Bloom. They are loosely related and tell the story of a family as time goes by. I love short stories and was looking forward to reading it. I didn’t really like it though. The problem is nothing much really happens. I’m not talking about action adventure type stuff with guns, bad guys, and sex. I’m saying that nothing happens. It’s like trying to move through molasses.

I kept on reading though because I liked the characters. That ever happen to you where you don’t like reading the book but you keep doing it because you like the characters. But I just can’t go on any longer. That happens to me all the time. I’m not saying this is a badly written book. I’m just saying that it’s not my cup of tea.

I love short stories but I’m glad this is a library book.

So 1.5 stars out of 4. Sorry.

5 thoughts on “Amy Bloom – “Where the God of Love Hangs Out”

  1. Gemel

    I know what you mean, sometimes I have kept reading and reading a book when it would be more appealing to visit the dentist!

    I use to always finish the book I began, it was silly really, then one day I just thought, if you don’t like the book just start another one, there are just too many books to explore and not enough time to read them all!

  2. SandyCarlson

    Been there! You have to be honest. Funny enough, I had that experience with a student’s “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” Funny and deadly dull at the same time.

  3. Martha Z

    I don’t think I have ever seen you give such a low rating, Yogi.

    By the way, I have an award for you. This one is easy. If you know some blogs, up to three, that you would like to bring to the attention of your readers, pass them this award and mention them and their links in your blog. You know the drill by now.
    If you don’t care to, then don’t.

    The award is here.

  4. Barb

    Darn – I usually like Amy Bloom. I’ll take note of your review, Yogi. Life is too short for bad wine and boring books.

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