Tulsa’s 2023 Veterans Day Parade

Last Friday I went downtown to see the 2023 Tulsa Veterans Day Parade. I see whenever I can. Tulsa has one of the largest such parades in the country.

This year, son Logan joined me. The first time I have ever watched the parade with anybody!


A World War II vintage DC-3 Transport aircraft started flying over downtown Tulsa well before the parade and kept flying circles throughout.


A Tulsa Police Department motorcycle squad opened the parade.


Their were High School marching bands representing their schools.


TPD had some of the officers who are veterans in the parade with one of their armored vehicles.


Some veterans organizations showed up.


Including the Veterans Administration.


Logan liked all the military vehicles that were in the parade.


Several Junior ROTC squads showed up and marched.

Miss Oklahoma showed up with a big smile. I googled her and her name is Sunny Day. What a name,!! I think it fits here. When I lived in Dallas years ago I knew somebody named Happy Holidays.


And more military vehicles. This looks foreign to me but still cool.


My former coworkers from the company I retired from showed up in force.


And it still wasn’t over. I didn’t stay long enough this time but after the parade is over, veterans from all over town show up and march. Some in full uniform some with just a cap. Lots of young people and lots of elderly folks showing their pride.

I’ve missed the parade a few times over the years but I’ll keep going for as long as I can.

I’m linking with My Corner of the World

4 thoughts on “Tulsa’s 2023 Veterans Day Parade

  1. Pisi Prkl

    I´ve seen few of these over the years. Always interested in guns and them military vehicles. Being a neighbour to Ruskies we must be on our game 24/7/365.

  2. Patrick Prescott

    I think it was the Veteran’s Day parade in ’71 when I was in the AFJROTC at Del Norte that I was in the honor guard and we marched. It was fun. We don’t get out for parades much anymore. Can’t stand that long.

  3. Ellen

    Good for you getting out there to support the veterans. We used to go to the Colorado Springs Veterans Day parade every year when Shiloh was in ROTC. They always hold it a week before the actual date. They were fun at the time, but were always extremely cold. Parades in November can be really chilly although it might have been okay this year since we’ve been having temps in the 70s.

    Way back in the 80’s I was a leader for Mary’s girl scout troop and one of the girls was named Sunny Day. I always thought she must have hippy parents. There was a staff member in the Wichita office whose name was Shear Bliss. I’m pretty sure Granny would have liked us to change Dana’s name to Precious.

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