Category Archives: My Corner of the World

Tulsa’s 2025 Martin Luther King Day Parade

Monday, January 20th was a huge day for America. An historic day that all Americans honored.

Martin Luther King Day!! Of course and many of celebrated by participating in or watching the Parade for the day in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, just north of downtown.

It was bitterly cold but that didn’t stop neither the participants nor the watchers.

Lots of civic organizations, city government, the University of Tulsa

And Oklahoma State University were represented.

My former employer, ONEOK, Inc has been a sponsor and participant for years. They had a nice float,

and a ton of marchers braving the cold. One thing that was missing that I was looking forward to was their drill team. I participated as a marcher in 2019, not in the drill team. I made a video back then of them practicing before the parade.

I think they are pretty good. They should come back!!

And here is ONEGAS, our sister company, they broke apart years ago.

And Williams Corporation, another huge employer and growing, headquartered in Houston. I expect one of these days a merger between ONEOK and Williams. When that happens they’ll probably move their headquarters to Houston. Houston is the center of the energy universe and has been that way for over a half century.

And here is our District Attorney walking with Tulsa Police officers.

And QuikTrip, a big convenience store chain headquartered in Tulsa. I got a couple of gift certificates for coffee.

They floats and marchers just kept on coming. After an hour I left. I was freezing.

Watching the Tulsa community turn out in force to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King was definitely the high point for me on Monday.

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Skywatch Friday – Three Days in January

With the cold and my bum knee I have not had too many adventures yet.

I got up the morning of January 9 and this is what the sky was like. I didn’t use a filter. It was amazing.

And then this is what the snow brought. I actually liked it. We had enough to where it made everything pretty but it melted fast enough to not be a problem.


And on January 11 I captured the Wolf Moon a little early. You can tell by the fuzzy lower left corner that it was still waxing. I think January 13 was the night of the actual full moon.

I worked another jigsaw puzzle. I did the google images on this photo and I got no hits so it must be AI or some other made-up thing. This wasn’t too hard. I did the edge pieces simultaneously the edges of the two sky sections A great way to spend the evening. My favorite parts were the mesa to the left and the galvanized roof to the right.

Icing my knee

Be thinking of me. Tomorrow my wife and I are visiting my surgeon to find out about scheduling a knee replacement. I’m kind of dreading it but things are continuing to hurt more and more so something has to give.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

Woodward Park Before Quitting Time

One day back in early December I was a little early picking son up from work. So I ventured over to nearby Woodward Park and took some photos.

It’s a small park but it is loaded with trees, ponds, and other interesting things to explore.

Still lots of Fall Color back then and they had a pond that made for some good reflections.

The sun was low, so much the better for the light.

Plus it was still warm in the late afternoon.

And I was shooting RAW using the Halide App for my iphone. Shooting RAW eats up memory and the plain photos are awful to look at but you can run it through Lightroom or Snapseed and since to get them looking better.

So i had me a ball taking photos for about 15 minute before I had to go fetch the kid.

woodward reflections-Edit_DAP_Watercolor

I ran one photo through my DynamicAutoPainter Program.


And this is a jigsaw puzzle that I recently completed of the Canyonlands area of the Southwest USA. I didn’t take the photo so I don’t own the copyright but I am sure somebody does. It was a lot easier to do than I thought it was going to be. First I did all the edge pieces then I did the edge of sky vs land and then the no cloud vs clear sky andthen there were all sorts of horizontal lines to work on. It was fun.

I’m linking to Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

Skywatch Friday – First Day and More

I hope that everyone had a great New Year’s. 2024 was a year of blessings and also trials and tribulation for us and we got through it. Back when I started blogging, there was a friend of mine who also started and quit because she said people only put the positive parts of their life online so it was dishonest. So I guess I am dishonest. Sorry about that and I don’t feel bad about it all. I’m a blessed man, what can I say. I have this irritating trait that no matter what the situation, I think things will be okay. I couple that with a sense of realism about what okay looks like.

I have always loved New Year’s. It’s like a fresh start every year. We didn’t do much, stayed home, had a nice dinner, watched some television.

In late December after weeks of monotonous gray skies I saw that things were shaping up for maybe a good sunset so I got my drone in the air and captured a bunch of images. I put them in a video and here it is. It is only twenty seconds long so do not panic!

New Year’s Day morning I went with Heather to a class she is starting at a nearby YMCA. It is cardio drumming and twenty people showed up to take it. Not bad for a brand new class. She is already teaching it weekly at another YMCA here in town and monthly at our “home gym.” It is lots of fun, you have drumsticks and you drum on an exercise ball in time to music. She leads the different moves. It is lots of fun, she loves upbeat music and so do her students. She also teaches Zumba at two different gyms, and a couple water classes, aquazumba and aquastrength. I take both of those classes. She stays pretty busy. She has been teaching for years and is very good at “reading the room” providing alternative moves for those who need them.

Afterwards, I took off and found a geocache and hiked a short distance. If you are a geocacher, New Year’s Day is an important day to find one and if you are a hiker you should go on a First Day’s Hike. So I did both. Yeah me, hah!

2025 First Day Geocaching Hiking

And then we went home and had our New Year’s Day meal featuring chicken quarters and baby back ribs that I smoked on the day before New Year’s Eve. That red stuff on the meat is a very spicy rub use. It brings the heat.

Meanwhile, I did another jigsaw puzzle on my ipad. Great way to stay busy while we watch our streaming shows. The one I am working on now is a Canyonlands scene with lots of tan colored desert and skies. Very challenging.

Again, I wish everyone a Happy, Heathy, and Prosperous 2025!

I am linking with My Corner of the World and Skywatch Friday

Christmas 2024 Happenings

(Photo by Ellen)

We had a nice surprise for Christmas this year. My sister, Ellen, came down from Colorado to visit us. (She is also a blogger, check out “Life on the High Plains“)That’s her on the right. We had a great visit.

We went to see our brother, Bob at his residence and had a meal with him and a little pre-Christmas celebration.

Ellen is a lover of all animals. Our Pomeranian Kodi loves her and even let her pick him up, for a little bit. He doesn’t let me even touch him. Our cat Lizzie loves Ellen as well.

We took her to the Tulsa suburb of Sapulpa to check out the Christmas Chute. We love the Chute. Talk about an extravagant display.

They block off a long section of their main street and put these steel frameworks in which they stuff with lights and decorations.

They have all sorts of various themes.

They provide a list of things to look for. They are hard to find but it gets you to looking hard at the decorations. The main one this year was Christmas Pickles. I had never heard of such a thing. We found a few of them. Check out the Christmas Chute web site for more info.

(Photo by Ellen)

Here’s my bride, Heather, and I looking for the items. I’m holding the checklist.

It just goes on and on. The crowd had a great casual fun energy to it. They have all sorts of opportunities to shop or get snacks.

We spent quite a lot of time there.

All good things come to an end. Ellen returned to her home in Colorado. We all miss her.

Kodi was not happy at all at her going home.

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Adventure Lab Geocaching on the RiverParks Trails

Earlier this month a nice cold, sunny, windy day, I went to Tulsa’s RiverParks trails to look for an Adventure Lab Geocache. Adventure Labs are a specialty cache where you have to visit a site and find information there. No physical cache is involved so it is appropriate for areas where they don’t really want you hiding stuff. Check out for more information. So this Adventure Lab involved going to several sculptures and getting information from the sculpture or accompanying plaque.

I ended up walking about two or three miles and had the parks trails to myself. At the end of the Adventure Lab you get coordinates to a “real” geocache and I found it as well.

And I took photos of all sorts of other stuff. We still had lots of fall color and the skies were really blue.

These are some sort of infrastructure and artists had painted murals on them and I really liked them.

And RiverParks installed this little musical drum for little kids and immature 69 year olds geocachers.

And I got this certificate!! I am not sure what you do with certificates. I am now up to 2287 geocache finds. But who is counting, right?

I am linking with My Corner of the World and Skywatch Friday.

Skywatch Friday – Touring the New Gilcrease Museum

As described previously I got a chance to tour the new Gilcrease Museum last month. The building’s exterior is finished and most of the interior.

One thing I love about the building is that it has views of the outside. This is from the terrace looking north to the Osage Hills.

This is looking through another window east. You can see downtown Tulsa just to the right.

From the terrace looking southwest into the sun.

Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum

This area is going to be a cafe with outside seating on the terrace. I didn’t take any photos of the new galleries. No windows and plain gray walls. Not much to see there, yet.

On the terrace looking at the exterior walls. I was struck by the wavy design and asked the guide what that was about. She said she was told but did not understand it. She said it was “architectspeak.” Maybe so. I think it does add interest to the building.

They are still building this grand staircase which is going to be in the center of the building and go to all the floors.

I can’t wait to see it when it is done.

How much does all this cost? About $140 Million. Check out the private money donated. Tulsa has a lot of very generous families who are not afraid of donating money to the right cause. There is a lot of work to be done. They are designing the interior fixtures. The contractor will turn the building over in May 2025. The concrete and other materials used in construction needs to “off gas.” The vapors could be harmful to the collection, so the museum is not scheduled to open until November 2026. I can’t wait. Check out for more details. Check out their online collection. It’s fabulous.

I am linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World.

New Zink Lake Overlook Murals


On my little kayaking adventure a few weeks ago on Tulsa’s revamped Zink Lake I passed what is known as the Zink Lake Overlook and I saw this mural facing the lake. I had seen some painters working on it but I didn’t know if they were just doing graffiti or what. Nope, no graffiti, they had been commissioned by the River Parks to paint murals. Eleven different artists involved. How cool is that?


I don’t have any before photos. When I first got my drone I flew it there just to play around. As you can see above it was a dingy neglected place with all sorts of nooks and crannies that are hidden from view. I think you know what I mean I say that public places that have nooks and crannies hidden from view is not really a good thing.


I did like the bollards they used to define the water’s edge. Makes it look like some sort of riverboat infrastructure. They were handy for daring kids or high (on drugs or alchol) adults to jump from one to another. Well all that changed.

I stopped there and checked it out. It is a sea of color now and paints have been sealed to protect from the elements and make for easier cleanup in case of tagging. Oh boy I hope that taggers spare this place.

The nooks and crannies are still there along with a huge surface to paint.

The bollards are gone and now we have better fencing to prevent falls and mishaps.

I just love all the colors.

In one of the nooks and crannies somebody sleeping. No way you can keep it all out.

It is a lot more inviting public space now.

Right around the corner to the left was where the guy was sleeping. I left him alone.

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My Corner of the World – Hiking Oxley Nature Center

One day late in October it was very windy. Windy days I like to go to Oxley Nature Center, especially their Sierra Club Trail. You can hear the wind howling in the treetops but it is calm down on the ground.

And I hardly ever see anybody. This trip I encountered only one person. A guy headed towards me looking kind of angry and upset. I had my spidey senses going but he passed me without looking up. I could hear him walking past in the leaves, crunch, crunch, crunch. Any change in the pattern and I would have looked around. But nothing happened. I’m not going to begrudge anybody needing a little solace in the woods.

I took a small garbage bag and my grabbers with me. The places I go hike there is hardly ever any trash. This day I found just a few cans and wrappers and that was it. Put the trash in the trashcan at the trailhead at the end of my hike.

It was a feast of Oklahoma style fall color. We don’t have a whole lot of color in the fall besides some yellows and browns. I’m okay with it.

Oxley Nature Center's Sierra Club Trail

Here’s a little reddish color for you. My Merlin ID app was going crazy with all the birds in the area. I was going crazy with inability to see such birds, except as small specs when they took off. I saw lots of squirrels and a glimpse of a deer. Kind of a zero day for photographing animals.

And a short video of the wind in the treetops.

And at the end, I see where a city surveyor had set up shot. I hope that they are not putting a new freeway in!!

A little shy of 3 miles, a nice walk in the woods is what I thought.

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2024 Tulsa Veterans Day Parade

Monday was Veterans Day so I went to downtown Tulsa to see their annual Veterans Day Parade.


The Tulsa Police Department opened it up with their motorcycles and right behind them was a Junior ROTC Marine Color Guard looking sharp in their uniforms.


And then dignitaries in vintage military vehicles.


And then the floats. This one was done by my former employer. ONEOK (pronounced One Oak) always shows up big for the Veterans Day Parade.


And then a bunch of ONEOK employees followed the float. Other companies had floats as well.


And then another JROTC color guard.


The Booker T Washington High School Marching band shows up for the parade looking snappy in the uniforms.


And the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Department shows up with one of their armored vehicles.


And if you know tornado belt culture you know that Storm Trackers are celebrities. When they are not working they go to events and will sign autographs for you. Here is Van Castor’s pickup truck. These guys follow the storms and tornadoes as they develop. Here in Oklahoma we don’t run for shelter when the tornadoes come, we run outside to take a look at them.

One veteran didn’t make the parade. Here is my brother Bob.

Twenty years in the Navy and more afterwards as a civilian employee. This is his door wreath put together by our sister Ellen.

He is in assisted living here and living life. Left to right, Irv (Career Army Vet), his wife (and sister to Bob and I) Ellen, son to Heather and I, Logan, and kneeling my wife Heather.


A photo I took of Bob several years ago when he turned 66.


Here he is in Tulsa several years ago. He used to visit and run in our local half marathon. He’s run over a hundred half marathons and over fifty full marathons. He doesn’t run any longer but he gives life everything he has.

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